
(Semi)Panther Review: Part 2-Text

Panther Text Abilities: For 3650 owners, two of the coolest new features in Panther are the "Send file to Bluetooth Device..." and "Send to Bluetooth Device..." options in the Services menu which is available in all Cocoa applications. This means any file you select in a Finder window can be sent to your 3650 quickly and easily using the "Send file" option. This also means that any text that you select in any document or on any web-page that you happen to open in Safari, can be highlighted and sent to your 3650. Pretty friggin' cool! Of course, the Services menu doesn't work in Microsoft Word or in Open Office, so I was really looking forward to using TextEdit. TextEdit: Good, Bad, and VERY UGLY: I wanted very badly to love the new Panther TextEdit. As it is I like it quite a bit. I will most likely be using it as my primary word processor from now on, but simply save everything in rich text format always. If I ever need anything in Word format, I will be opening the rtf that I created in TextEdit in Word and converting from within Word. Hearing that TextEdit would be able to read and write to Word file format, I was overjoyed, as I dislike Word, and while I like Open Office, it is still very ugly, rather large, and slow to launch in comparison to the nice little TextEdit. Also, TextEdit is the only one of these programs that supports the nice bluetooth services mentioned above. Unfortunately, TextEdit is absolutely refusing to save the formatting that I apply to any file that I try to save in Word format. If I use Rich Text Format, it will keep all the formatting. If I open up a file in Word format and try to fix the little odd formatting problems and then re-save in Rich Text Format, it will keep all the formatting except for the margins. For some reason, even though I have one inch borders defined across the board for when it opens new documents and in my page setup, if I work on a document for a while, save it, close and reopen, inevitably it has changed from 1-inch margins to 1.25 inch margins (must be a default setting in the Word conversion process). There would appear to be no way to get it back to 1-inch margins even if you save the file again in rtf (with the exception of opening a new document with my default 1-inch margins and pasting the entire document into that new document. Of course, this is rather ludicrous, as these settings are lost once again whenever I close the new document and reopen it.) Also, Word documents opened in TextEdit aren't as nicely formatted as they were in Word, and Word documents created by TextEdit inevitably have some of the same formatting problems. In short, as far as Word compatibility is concerned, TextEdit is very much like a Mac port of Windoze's Wordpad (in other respects it is much more powerful.) UPDATE: There is also a bug with saving in RTF, where the last lines of paragraphs do not remain after saving, closing, and reopening. I discovered it first with the bibliography page for a paper I have been writing, where all the hanging indents reverted to flush with the left margin after re-opening (even though the ruler shows it still set to drop). The solution is to delete a space at the end of the line before the problem line, and then it will suddenly line up properly.

Here's a screenshot of the problem. Notice in this 3 line bibliographic entry how the last line returns to being flush with the left margin, even though the ruler settings are correct. I could highlight the entire works cited page and choose the correct style that I previously defined for my Works Cited page, but I would lose the underlining in each entry, and I would have to redo this each time I open the file. Not fun.

Here, you will notice that the last line of the paragraph inexplicably indents itself to match the first line. You can fix it, but once you save, close, and restart, the problem returns.
I have to ask why Apple is more concerned with TextEdit opening Word documents than it is with it opening AppleWorks files. TextEdit can open all my old AppleWorks files, but not as cleanly as Microsoft Word's Appleworks converter plug-in. When I open an AppleWorks file in TextEdit, there is a lot of useless header and footer information book-ending the actual meat of the file. This seems like a huge oversight on Apple's part, as a native Macintosh program cannot handle reading files from another native Macintosh Word Processor, when a Micro$oft product can do so nicely. Also—and this is a rather scary occurrence—while working in TextEdit, I decided to choose the "Allow Hyphenation" in the Format menu, just to see what it would do.... Bad idea. Not only did TextEdit give me the spinning-beach-ball-of-death, but I could not manage to Force Quit. There was no kernel panic. Everything else was working fine. But no matter what I did, there was TextEdit in the background, refusing to close. I tried logging out, only to have log out time out because TextEdit refused to quit. Same thing happened when I tried to shut down. Ultimately, I had to force the computer to shut down by holding down the power button for 10 seconds until it powered off. I will be submitting a detailed bug report to Apple about this and I sincerely hope that Apple resolves these issues in the next release.

(Semi)Panther Review: Part 1-Speed

So, I've noticed that there are quite a few people out there writing rather detailed overviews and reviews of their experiences with Panther. Rather than repeat everything that everyone else is saying on the subject, I think I am going to point to a few places where you can find out more of what they have said, and make a review split into several mini-reviews, focusing on improvements that affect usability between the 3650 and the 12-inch, as well as a few wishes for 10.3.1 that I haven't seen any mention of yet. Here it goes: Speed: Panther is fast. Zippy even, compared to Jaguar. Oddly enough, especially if you have an older G3 that doesn't support all the advanced visuals of Panther. (My friend reports that his wife's purple clamshell iBook works much faster than his newer white iBook with Panther installed). One of my largest problems with Jaguar had always been the Finder-spinning-beach-ball-scenario where some program or another has to work with the Finder to produce some task or another (like copying a file from the desktop to an FTP server, via Goliath, or opening a file on the desktop in Safari). Depending on what else the Finder was busy doing in the background, the time of day, the pull of the moon on the earth, and a myriad of other unknown factors, this sort of action could sporadically result in big spinning beach-ball of death in the Finder, and possibly also in the program involved, and either you just sat there and waited in the hopes that it would eventually complete the task, or you would have to Force Quit the program, restart the Finder, and try it all again. It also tended to happen from time to time when I was accessing the bluetooth status icon I keep in my menu bar (or whenever I was accessing any of the icons up in the menu bar). That doesn't happen anymore with Panther. However, there is an added feature that does cause some slow down from time to time: the local copy of the iDisk. If you go to System Preferences under Internet & Network, you will find a .Mac control panel. Now, if you have a .Mac account this is useful, if not, you can move on to the next section. Click on .Mac, and select iDisk. If you check the "Create a local copy of your iDisk" box, Panther does just that: it makes a duplicate of your iDisk appear on your desktop and in all of your Finder windows in the sidebar. When you first select this option, it takes quite a bit of time depending upon your connection to the internet and the amount of information you have stored remotely on your iDisk, to download all that information. After this initial sync, however, accessing your iDisk is faster than ever. It eliminated my need to use Goliath (which is still an extremely useful and powerful program that I highly recommend) to access my iDisk on a regular basis. Unfortunately, there are a few buggy things about keeping this copy of the iDisk on your computer. For example, every time it syncs, I receive an error message in the middle of my screen saying that there is a duplicate file name (with different capitalization) on the remote iDisk, so that file will not be synced to the local disk, as Panther does not support such duplicate file names. This pops up without warning in the middle of your screen, with no option to choose not to display the error again and no way of solving the problem through the dialog box that jumps up. Plus, since I now access my iDisk through the local copy, I am not even sure how to rectify the situation (although I assume I could use Goliath to do so). Also, when the iDisk is syncing, it does cause a certain slow down in overall performance, so I would recommend setting it to sync automatically for the first sync, but after that is finished set it to sync manually, so you can determine when you can stand to give up a little system performance and when you would rather not. Manually syncing is easy enough, as all you have to do is click on the little iSync-like button next to the iDisk in the sidebar of any open Finder window.


Get your RSS feed here...

Well, it's ugly, doesn't parse correctly, and doesn't include the titles to the posts, but thanks to this service, I now have an RSS feed: http://www.karakas-online.de/myServices/rssify.php?url=http://3650anda12inch.blogspot.com/ Once I get the time and energy, I will finish the process of hand-rolling my own 2.0 feed that I began last week. Once I have all the older posts brought up to speed, I should be able to modify that file each time I post to the site with very little difficulty. Until then, thanks to Martin Little for pointing out via email this temporary solution for me!

Immediately lock your 3650's keypad...

Check this out:
N-Gage Thoughts. . . while perusing the documentation for the N-Gage I learned how to lock the keypad quickly on my 3650!! Press the left screen key and the * button at the same time and *poof* it's locked. Press them again and it's unlocked. I had NO idea this worked and always used the menu on the off switch ... LOL. That right there may have been worth the price of the device alone.[Russell Beattie Notebook]
That is a really useful thing to know! Thanks!



This is one sleek update. I'll post a full-length, more detailed review later, but for now know that it works, it works well, and it plays well okay with the 3650. Get it! UPDATE: Well, turds. I just attempted to send a file via bluetooth to the 12-inch from the 3650 and it is stalling out:
After about 60 seconds of this it failed! This is my first real complaint about Panther. grrrrr..... UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: It works now. Thanks to Jason for suggesting that I go ahead and update the Bluetooth Firmware, which I never did, b/c of the warning about the update making bluetooth incompatible with Windoze systems. 3650 file transfer trumps Windoze in my book, though...


Getting Panther tonight...

I just talked to my boss and she said I should go ahead and buy a copy of Panther for testing purposes (I'm one of the two Mac guys in my IT department), so I'm heading by the Apple Store after work to get a copy, which I will be reimbursed for later. Sometimes I really like my job... I will post a Panther review after upgrading... Stay tuned!

Panther: Mac OS X 10.3 Reader Reports

Panther: Mac OS X 10.3 Very long and detailed reader reports from MacInTouch for those of you, like me, who are watching and waiting before upgrading to Panther. It would seem that a straight upgrade is the best way to install, rather than bothering with Archive and Install or Clean Install...

Opera 6.1 for 3650

Rael notes that there is a new version of Opera out:
raelity bytes :: /gadget/cellphone/nokia/opera_6_1.html: "Opera Software has released the version of Opera for the 6600 for all Nokia Series 60 phones. It's smaller, uses significantly less memory (Opera for Series 60 has long been known for its memory problems), new menu interface, Small Screen Rendering improvements, and various bug fixes. I'll post a full review when I've had a few minutes to spend with the app."
I use Doris Browser, b/c of Opera's memory issues, but I am going to keep an eye on Rael's experiences with this new version. If it is lighter, I might check it out.

10.3: Exposé and Window Zoom conflict with each other

This is a bit disappointing:
macosxhints - 10.3: Exposé and Window Zoom conflict with each other: "f you use the screen zoom (in Universal Access) and Exposé at the same time, the screen window doesn't follow the mouse and is locked into the location it was in when you zoomed in, or pushed the Exposé button."
I've become accustomed to using Window Zoom to make my 12-inch screen virtually quite a bit bigger when working on graphics, so this incompatibility is a little bit of a bummer. Of course, I don't have Panther yet, so by the time I get it, they may have fixed this . . . that is, unless I end up running by the Apple Store this afternoon. . . .

3650 syncing updates...

I received a rather helpful email from Jan Misker today:
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to install the update before last sunday, when wintertime started. At least when not in DST the problem doesn't exist, I synced today, before DLing the 1.3 update. Anyways, others reported that the problem was solved. BTW: about the AppArcServerThread message, I had it too but it went away after I de-installed Active Today, a very handy tool but very annoying because apparently it puts itself deep inside the system, causing the message. I guess it is because it stop and starts running during synchronizing.[Emphasis mine]
So, it would appear that the recent iSync update does solve the time shift problem that I mentioned last week. The information about the AppArchServerThread error is useful too; although I don't have Active Today on my phone, it would appear that some program or another that I installed on the 3650 is causing the problem. I need to find the culprit and eradicate it. Will let you know how it goes...


No longer lusting after new iBooks...

Well, my friend Jay Savage called me from the Apple Store in WHite Plains last night, where he picked up a copy of Panther for himself, and said, "You can stop lusting after the new iBooks. They didn't change the design. The keyboard still bounces." Good to know. I hate that bouncy iBook keyboard.


Surf on your 3650 12-inch via bluetooth connection to PeeCee...

Your trusty 12-inch isn't around with no internet connection, but your office PeeCee is sitting there bluetooth-capable with a T3 connection waiting to be exploited and you want to sync your Avantgo filescheck out my site? Thankfully, someone made some easy instructions for connecting the two via bluetooth over at MacOSX Hints. Sorry for the mis-post a few seconds ago. Misread the article in my haste...

iSync 1.3 via Software Update

Check it:
iSync 1.3 includes support for more phones from Nokia and Sony Ericsson, as well as stability improvements.
6.4MB download and update. After installing the update, I am still getting the "AppArchServerThread error!" that pops up on my 3650 twice each time I sync (btw, I think this is probably caused by something gone wonky on the phone), but it looks like the update may resolve the time shift problem that I just reported a few hours ago. It's hard to be sure though, because the problem has always been sporadic for me. Could someone who has consistently been having the problem, like Jan, email me and let me know if it has been fixed for you? UPDATE: More info on the update from dotmac.info:
In addition to contact, calendar, and to-do's, iSync will also sync Address Book photo with these phones, and the picture appears when that person calls.[dotmac.info]

Panther report...

Check this out! I wonder how many days of me waiting for my work to buy me a copy of Panther will trickle by before I break and run out and buy a copy for my 12-inch...

RSS feed coming...

Well, thanks to Matt Croydon emailing me and asking about RSS feeds, I decided that until I feel it is worth it to spring for BloggerPro for this site, the least I could do is get up off my butt and handroll my own RSS feed for the site that I'll host over in my .mac space. I'll try to get one together over the weekend and launch it on Monday (although there is a wedding and some other things that could delay it by a few days).

iSync Time Shift Problem

Thanks to Jan Misker for pointing this out! Check out this discussion and also this discussion. Apparently, the new iSync is causing the time to shift an hour ahead on the 3650 and other phones after syncing. I actually have had the problem myself on my 3650, but it isn't consistent. It only happens every third time I sync or so, and due to the inconsistency of it, I didn't really notice it being associated with syncing until I received Jan's email and tested it a few times. Changing the time back to the correct time in the clock program on the 3650 works around the problem, but it is annoying and inconvenient, as is the "AppArchServerThread error!" that pops up on my 3650 twice each time I sync. To be fair, the time shifting problem doesn't seem to be a Nokia problem, but an Apple problem, as people are reporting this happening on 3650s, 7650s, and even Sony Ericsson phones. Please work on fixing this, Apple!


G4 iBooks

New G4 iBooks including a 12-inch model that is very very similar to my little 12-inch wonder, have been announced by Apple today for $1099. No built-in bluetooth, though. USB 2.0. After I dropped my 12-inch and put a little dent in its metal I wished that it had the sturdy plastic of my old iBook. Of course, unless they redid the design quite a bit, the iBook will still suffer from the arching, bouncing keyboard that I grew to loathe. I love my 12-inch's keyboard!


Share2Blue2th Icon

I made an icon for the Share2Blue2th scripts. (Under downloads on the left.) Check it...


Icon Craziness...

So, I became a little obsessed with customizing my 12-inch Powerbook icon, based on Mike Matas's original (see below), but with my actual desktop on the screen. Here's the image I ultimately produced:
I was able to get the file all done up as a icns file (based on the video of Mike's appearance on TechTV on his site), but couldn't for the life of me get it to work so I could easily copy and paste it in the Get Info pane onto my HD. So, I emailed Mike, and he was super helpful, pointing me to this site and a program called icns2icon. Check it out! Now I just have to get a red glow going on, like Mike's 12" PowerBook Aqua icon has in blue...

Mike Matas 12"Powerbook icons...

Check out these cool icons! Mike Matas has made them freely available for download here. (164KB DMG file) Pretty sweet! I've got the 12"powerbook icon (the one on the left in the picture) on my Macintosh HD now. What would be the coolest would be to add my custom desktop picture in the little screen on the icon...


Yesterday's Apple Announcements: An Editorial

So, today, I actually watched the video of the Apple Music Event, and it makes a lot more sense now--the iPod peripherals, I mean. I didn't realize that the $99 Belkin Media Reader attachment was what it was from yesterday's reading about it online. I thought it was just some overly expensive gadget that made the iPod sync-able with iPhoto. It actually makes sense for digital photographers, although it is still a bit pricey considering how much the iPod alone runs. The main thing though, is that after watching the video I realized how ground-breaking the Belkin iPod Voice Recorder could be. I mean, if you have a 40GB iPod, that means for $50, you could have 640 hours of portable recording time. 640 HOURS! Assuming you had enough battery supply (one of these might help), you could potentially record everything you hear all week long. Every conversation you have. Recording all the time. Go home and archive the important bits on DVD-R. Think of the potential for your arguments with friends / family / lovers alone: "I said what? Oh, you know what? I have the conversation right here. Yes. Let's see exactly who said what and in what context." And for students? Record every lecture you attend all year round. This is actually making me think about trying to trade up from my first gen-iPod to the new 40GB one. Of course, I have to find the money first...


Mistaken Identity...

I just got the funniest text message on the 3650:
Poor, poor, Steve, never got to taste it... lol

Apple iTunes Music Store

iTunes and iPod announcements today: iTunes Music Store and iTunes for Windows. Pretty cool. A bunch of iPod peripherals, including a voice recorder attachment (cool, but $50?) and a iPhoto compatible attachment ($99?!?!), which makes absolutely no sense to me, since the iPod is already a Firewire hard drive without this expensive adapter.

Apple Censorship: An Editorial

So, the other day I came across this discussion thread, about the problem of white spots developing on the new 15" Powerbook screens. As the owner of a 12-inch Powerbook who had the warped casing problem that caused my 12-inch to wobble / rock when sitting on a flat surface, I could appreciate the frustration of someone who spent over a thousand dollars on a nice new Apple computer that was either by design or production flawed, and which required much wasted time and energy to exchange. I myself spent nearly 3 hours in the Apple Store in White Plains trying to get them to exchange my four day old defective 12-inch for a non-warped model, which they eventually did. During this process, I discovered that two of the floor models of the 12-inch Powerbooks had the same defect which the Apple Store had "masked" by removing one of the rubber feet on these models so that they wouldn't wobble. In any case, having discovered the problem, I was dismayed with how many people online reported having the same problem, but made comments like, "I love my new Powerbook anyway," and didn't want to go through the hassle to complain and get the unit replaced. Apple may be the good guys in our perspective of Micro$oft verses the world, but they are still a huge corporation with their own concerns that will continue to screw you, the consumer, with faulty products for as long as you sit back and do nothing about it. This type of inaction is very bad for the Macintosh community and for Apple. Apple needs to fix all these production and design problems, but they simply won't do it in any other way than in the next production run if people don't continually demand the fully functional well-designed computer that they just spent all their money on. It all boils down to what is most cost effective for Apple. So, I posted a much more tame comment about this on the above linked-to thread, that simply encouraged one of the posters who said that they were "happy" with their 15-inch, and hardly noticed the white spots to do their civic consumer duty and contact Apple about it until Apple does something to rectify it. Today, I received the following in my inbox:
Your post titled "White spot" has been removed from Apple Discussions. Posts including (but not limited to) any of the following are not appropriate:
* Discussions of Apple policies and procedures (including pricing and repair policies)
* Speculations/rumors about future Apple decisions
* Questions/rumors about unreleased products
* Posts in the technical forums that are not directly related to a technical support issue
* Polls, petitions, auctions, or advertisements
* Posts that are only complaints
* Posts which contain or imply abusive or obscene language
* Posts which are abusive to other Discussions users
Please see the Overview section at http://discussions.info.apple.com/WebX/help for more information on the purpose of the Apple discussion forums, as well as the terms and conditions for posting on Apple Discussions. Each Discussion user is required to agree to these terms before gaining posting privileges. You reserve the right to not post on Apple Discussions should you disagree with these terms.

Sometimes you have comments or concerns for which there is no technical response. If you need the kind of help that a troubleshooting expert can't provide, you can call Apple's Customer Relations group.

Emphasis mine. Anyway, I am slightly furious. I especially like how they state that I can call Apple's Customer Relations group, but provide no number in the email. This number does not appear on the Apple Support Contact page and a quick search of the site map and their site turns up nothing. Bad show, Apple, bad show!

Panther Review from OS News

Saw this over at /.. Pretty detailed and favorable review. I'm balancing gingerly between waiting for my job to get me a copy of Panther and rushing out to the store and buying it myself.... Although I am a bit concerned about the author of the article's mention that he had to perform a clean install on his 12-inch, because the installation insisted that Jaguar had errors. This is the same trouble I ran into a couple of weeks ago when I tried to roll back (unsuccessfully) to 10.2.6. The un-upgradable or -downgradable machine. Harrumph!

For you upgrading fiends: Bluetooth Firmware Updater 1.0.2

Find it here, although be warned that is only really necessary if you are using one of Apple's new bluetooth keyboards or mice, and, according to the site:
Important: Using this firmware update will make your Bluetooth module incompatible with Windows based systems.
Word to the wise...


12-inch repaired and delivered...

Amazing! Less than a week after I sent it off, my Powerbook has already been returned to me by Apple! Huzzah!


12-inch repaired and on its way home...

So, I just got off the phone with Apple Support. Evidently, they tried to deliver the 12-inch to my apartment at 11:45 this morning, but both me and my fiance were at work, so I called and it should be arriving tomorrow afternoon after 4pm. According to the person at Apple, the cable that connected the combo drive to the rest of the laptop was shorted and that was the problem. So that means, in all likelihood they did not have to blow all my data away. Whew! I cannot wait to get my laptop back. Strange how used to computing on my couch I had become...


Keyboard for 3650

For those of you who have been waiting for this:
Pocketop IR Keyboard for 3650
Pocketop have released Series 60 drivers for their IR keyboard. Yum. [raelity bytes]

Looks like a day on the phone with Apple Support is ahead...

For some reason the combo-drive on the 12-inch is no longer reading CDs. Ejects them after thinking really hard for about 15 seconds. Strange thing is this: all varieties of DVDs, CD-R, and CD-RW seem to work without a hitch, although I am having trouble burning. It is just regular CDs that are giving me the trouble. I did check out the Apple Support page and zapped my PRAM several times, as well as resetting the PMU, all to no avail. Turds! Any ideas? UPDATE: My friend, Jason, thinks that it might be another infamous 10.2.8 bug, as his iBook's CD tray refuses to even open since the update. So, I am going to try rolling back to 10.2.6 and see if that fixes the problem. Wish me luck... New UPDATE: Well, it won't let me reinstall the 10.2.6 combo over 10.2.8, and although it will allow me to restart from the DVD recover disk that came with my PB, it will not let me reinstall the OS. Gives me a very odd error each time I try. I called Apple Support, and they are sending me a box to send my 12-inch to them for them to rework it. I wonder if there is anyway I could "trade-up" to the newer model. Maybe if I wrote a very long sob-story letter about how my first 12-inch wobbled, and this one suddenly starts not mounting CDs after a couple of weeks with only an hour and a half of battery...


New iCal and iSync and the 3650

Apple announced today that Panther, also known as 10.3, will be officially released on October 24th, and they have a countdown for it on their website. In the meantime, iCal 1.5.1 and iSync 1.2.1 are available for download now through the Software Update control panel. If you download them directly from Apple, install iCal first, as iSync would appear to require it. Everything works now with syncing my phone's calendar with the 12-inch, but for some reason, every time I sync, I get the following error message on the phone, twice:
App. closed! AppArchServerThread
I tried restarting the phone to see if that would somehow magically resolve the issue, but no dice. Oh, well, at least it works. Just a minor annoyance. All three of my current calendars now show up on my 3650 in their separate colors and all the full day events show up as well. Be warned, though. If you have used the iSync hack to make calendar syncing work with your 3650 in the past, as I did, all the entries on your phone are going to merge into your home calendar during the first sync. I had to go through and erase entries for about 5 minutes, before I got it all cleaned up. But now, everything is working. Sweet!


Random finds from a Feester Search:

The search:

Free 3650...

...with a 2-year contract and after rebates from any AT&T Wireless store, at least in the New York area, according to a 1010wins commercial I heard on the way to work this morning...

MIDP on Mac OS X

Want to program Java Midlets for your 3650? Rael has written up a step-by-step.


Step by Step instructions for you T-Mobile users...

OSX to Bluetooth to 3650 to T-Mobile GPRS to the Net courtesy of Rael. Cool.

10.2.8 Take 2

If you installed the battery draining (or at the least poor battery reporting) 10.2.8 Mac OS X update, you might want to run Software Update, as their is an update to the update that has restored my full battery to registering at 2 hours and 45 minutes. UPDATE: The Combo version of the sucker is here.

Retro-cool Reflection: A 3650 Commentary

I just was looking over the recent posts on this site and suddenly had an epiphany: with all these cool emulators of old technology available for Series 60s and the old-style rotary phone, it's in some odd way like having this new brilliant bluetooth and IR capable technology back in the 80s, or having unearthed some very odd cultural artifact: a piece of technology that was far ahead of its time, but which has been lost for decades... Even the bulkiness of the 3650 alludes to an older age of cellphones, albeit much more stylishly than the old squarish cellphones that used to be carried around town. . . . in a largish box . . . with an antennae the size of my Powerbook . . . //odd musing off// yes, i am a g33k...


Rael Dornfest found another goodie: ZXBoy, a ZX Spectrum Emulator. What's a ZX Spectrum Emulator, you ask? Well, it means for $10, you can play Sim City on your 3650, among many other games. Check it out!

3650 vs 3660

Jim Hughes over at Mobitopia just posted an interesting post about Nokia's move away from the innovative circular dial of the 3650 and back to a more standard key layout:
"The rotary keypad is probably the best feature of the 3650, sure it takes a few minutes to initially adjust, but the key spacing is good and it actually works very well."
He then concludes:
Personally I'm disappointed that Nokia don't appear to have confidence to stand by their design decisions.
Sure, there is the huge amount of nagging of people who absolutely hate the rotary keypad, but I agree. Hear hear, Jim!


HOLY COOL! Commodore 64 on the 3650!

Nokia Commodore 64 emulator
You can emulate a Commodore 64 on a Nokia Series 60 cellphone.
Why on God's green earth would one possibly want a Commodore 64 home computer running on one's cellphone? Aside from the thrill of seeing your old C64 humming away in the palm of your hand and the eyebrow-raising you're sure to see in friends and family, there are the games... oodles of them, available for playing pleasure from C64 UNLIMITED -- and you don't have to spend a quarter.

Sure they're one-off emulations of arcade games running on a one-off emulation of a home computer, but they're suprisingly well-written and very much resemble the real thing--for some definition of "the real thing" amongst all these emulators upon emulators upon emulators. There's Galaxian and Gorf, arcade favourites of the early 80s, Choplifter from my Apple ][, and hundreds more.

Link(via Raelity Bytes) [Boing Boing Blog]
If I don't post for several days, it's because I'm playing old games on my 3650!!!

Blogads and PithHelmet

I've added Blogads to this site, so if anyone wants to advertise here, please click the link to the left under the Pic 'o the Day. If you hate ads, however, there's a nice little program for Safari, called PithHelmet that lets you browse advert free. Although it does not appear to block the text of the ad to the left, for those of you wanting to advertise with me. Did I just shoot myself in the foot by mentioning both these things in the same post?

For those of you having a screen that refuses to wake from sleep...

This Mac OS X hint would seem to address the issue for the new 15" Powerbooks, so it probably applies to the 12-inchers. I know from time to time my screen will refuse to wake back up after being put to sleep. He says disabling the "Wake for Network Administrator access" checkbox under the Option tab in the Advanced settings of the Energy Saver control panel does the trick. I made the proper changes and will post if I ever encounter the problem again. I hope not.

My Dock

From top to bottom: Finder, Safari, Mail, X11(for OOo), iBlog, DEVONthink, NetNewsWireLite, Address Book, iSync, Xjournal, Lotus Notes, Terminal (bash), iCal, Toon Boom Studio, Photoshop, GraphicConverter, iPhoto, Final Cut Express, iDVD, BTVPro, Audacity, iTunes, Quicktime, VLC, Wire Tap, FreeSnap, StickyBrain, KMremoteControl 1.20, Central, Text Reader, Real One Player, Preview (which isn't normally there), Macintosh HD (10GB partition), DoubleDown (2nd 10GB partition), Goliath iDisk Bookmark, Goliath Sites Folder Bookmark, Applications, Home, Trash.