Virex 7.5 yanked!
New iMac...
UPS for Poweroutage computing...
How to Make a 10.3.5 Boot CD
Jason reports on Airport Express...
PithHelmet 2.0
Time to kill Word?
What we could see is the next generation of office suite. Not Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook of Microsoft's Office or iPhoto, iDVD, iMovie, iTunes, and Garageband of Apple's iLife suite, but Google search, Gmail, Google Browser, Blogger, and perhaps even GIM. It'll be interesting to watch whether this happens or not.It would be a good idea, beyond the regular blogging bit, for Google to come out with a web-based word processor and data repository where people could WYSIWYG create documents, save them to a password protected server space and access, edit, save, and print these files from anywhere there is an internet connection. That would be a definite Word killer and be the logical step forward towards virtual self-storage. As a writer and educator, I'd find such a program to be the great killer app for which I have been waiting. *cross-posted on Sample the Web.
How to Clean your 12-inch's Slot-load Drive...
Virex 7.5
Help me get a Free iPod mini...
Ogg Vorbis for your 3650... reblog...
The Problem with the iTMS DRM...
Prepping for a new 12-inch...
Sample the Web is back...
Share Internet over Bluetooth with your 6600!
Use Cocktail to Scan for Corrupt Preferences...
Preferences Scan Tip for OS X Cocktail - I've used Cocktail for some time as a GUI utility for doing OS X maintenance tasks without using the terminal (cache cleaning, running maint. scripts, and more) but I didn't realize it also could scan preference files. (i.e. for corrupt prefs files).The above is from Accelerate Your Mac News. Pretty useful tip."Cocktail 3.4.9 is fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.3.5.It still doesn't appear to be able to delete corrupted prefs from the app that i can tell, but posting this as a FYI to any other user that may not be aware of the feature.
To scan preferences:Regards,
- launch Cocktail
- choose Specifications from Window pulldown menu
- click the Advanced tab
- choose Preference Files from the popup button
Kristofer Szymanski
Stream MPEG4 Apple Lossless over AirTunes
Reversing AirTunesI really need to get an Airport Express. Maybe three of them...
I've released JustePort, a tool which lets you stream MPEG4 Apple Lossless files to your AirPort Express.
Trager Courier Laptop Brief
AppleMatters article on Chess...
We're drowning in updates: Java 1.4.2 Update 1...
Java 1.4.2 Update 1 provides support for JDK 1.4.2_05, improved behavior for applets in Safari, and increased stability for desktop Java applications.Lock and *yawn* load...The system will be updated to Java 1.4.2 Update 1. If the system currently has Java 1.4.1, it will be removed.
For more details on this update, please visit: http://www.apple.com/java/
iSync 1.5 available via Software Update
iSync lets you manage your contacts, calendars, To Do lists, and Safari bookmarks across multiple Mac OS X computers and devices (such as an iSync-compatible mobile phone, Palm OS device, or iPod), so you always have your most current information with you. To sync a Palm OS device, you need to install the iSync Palm Conduit version 1.2 or later.Lock and load (oh, I hope this doesn't break Share2Blue2th; I don't have the time to code right now...)!iSync 1.5 adds support for more devices such as the latest Sony Ericsson and Motorola phones. For more information about supported devices and connectivity requirements, visit www.apple.com/isync.
Before you install iSync 1.5, you must install iCal 1.5.2 or later. To download the latest version of iCal, visit www.apple.com/ical, or use Software Update (in System Preferences) to install the latest version.
If you are using Mac OS X version 10.3 and plan to synchronize a Bluetooth mobile phone, you need to have Bluetooth version 1.5 or later installed. To download the latest version, use Software Update (in System Preferences). If you have an earlier version of Mac OS X, visit www.apple.com/isync to download the appropriate Bluetooth version.
Apple Production Suite...
Talks for Series 60
BlueTooth HID support in 10.3.5...
10.3.5 Update and Security Update available via Software Update...
The 10.3.5 Update delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for Mac OS X v10.3 "Panther" and is recommended for all users. Key enhancements include:and as an added bonus, there's Security Update 2004-08-09 (5.3MB):For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n25791 For detailed information on Security Updates, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n61798
- improved support for NTFS formatted volumes
- improves reliability for user logins and mounting of home directories in a networked environment
- updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
- improved Bluetooth compatibility for Apple Wireless Keyboard and Mouse and Bluetooth phones
- additional FireWire and USB device compatibility
- improved font management
- updated Mail and Image Capture applications
- improved compatibility for third party applications
- previous standalone security updates
Security Update 2004-08-09 delivers a number of security enhancements and is recommended for all Macintosh users. This update includes the following components: libpng (Portable Network Graphics) For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n61798Throw caution to the wind and download now! Lock and load...
Newsflash: Cable Security for your 12-inch...
Lifestyle services for your 3650...
Guard your 3650's Bluetooth
We love using Bluetooth; with the help of iSync, it's extremely handy to sync our address books wirelessly between our Macs and mobile phones. But Security Cavities Ail Bluetooth discusses the problems you can have with your Bluetooth-enabled phone, if you're not smart about using it. Speakers at the recent Black Hat and DefCon security and hacker conferences in Las Vegas demonstrated how they can sneak into mobile phones and suck out phone books and other data. The key is that these phones, from Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola, are vulnerable if they are left in discoverable mode. So turn it off when you're not using it. Our Sony Ericsson phones have cute blue lights that flash while Bluetooth is active, which reminds us to turn Bluetooth off. We save battery life by turning it off, too. Posted by Tom Negrino at 04:19 PM LinkSomething to keep in mind, although according to the chart on this page, the 3650 isn't one of the known vulnerable models.
Bye-bye, Livejournal...
Airport Express Hotel Report...
Stand for Safari: Get it.
I’ve recently discovered another plug-in for Safari, called Stand. I can't tell you a whole lot of detail about it, as the site is written in Japanese. What I can tell you is that its free, and it allows you to do the following slick actions:Don't let the Japanese scare you. Stand rules. Get it now. Install by dragging the Stand folder into ~/Library/InputManagers/ and closing then relaunching Safari. This makes Bloglines open links in tabs and the highlighted HTML in source mode is great for blogging. h00t!
- Allow syntax colouring in viewed source (no control over colours used though)
- Specify a font and size for viewed source (I like this – I have a thing about using Lucida Grande for source view).
- Search your bookmarks and history (very nice, although I tend to use Quicksilver to find bookmarks quickly, this is even faster).
- Specify that all links to a ’_blank’ target open in a new tab instead of a new window. This is nice.
- Save tab layouts as workspaces alá Omniweb.
- Assign categories, colour labels and comments to new bookmarks
- Create search shortcuts (as in Sogudi and Saft)
- ‘Site Alteration’. This allows you some basic preferences on a per site basis, such as what encoding to use, and whether images, pop-ups, plug-ins or javascript are to be allowed.
- Remove favicons.
- Set a time delay for auto-closing the downloads window after completion.
- It also seems to add ‘Copy Link HTML Tag’ command to the context menu when ctrl-clicking links. (I’ve only just noticed this though, so it could’ve been there all along!)
.Mac stuff...
Apple's .Mac email now supports aliases:Now, this is undoubtedly cool, however, when you take into account things like this, which are true, and all too common, then who cares? .Mac needs some serious bug killing before they go slapping on new features, imho.
"You can use email aliases instead of your .Mac email address to keep your .Mac account private (such as when purchasing online) or to easily recognize and organize incoming emails from various sources. Simply deactivate or delete an email alias to keep unwanted email from arriving in your Inbox.