100GB Pocket-Rocket...
This Warping Thing; A Rant: Why don't Apple Consumers Complain More?
Not a show-stopper The good news is that despite all the reports we've received of "warping" with PowerBook G4 units, we have yet to receive a report of this "warping" being serious enough to adversely affect the functionality of the PowerBook (e.g., optical drives not accepting or ejecting discs, keyboards malfunctioning, etc.) In fact, some users even seem to be happy that this slight wobble on the desk is their only problem. Reader Aled B writes: "Doesn't bother me too much though, minor irritation - it's a great little machine otherwise! Used to suffer sleep of death issues with 1GHz TiBook until I decided to sell and get a G5 2GHz DP and this brilliant 12" PowerBook as a side-kick. It's the best PowerBook I've ever had. My brother has the 15" 1.5GHz PowerBook and that's just as good. Best range of PowerBooks ever! I'll settle for a little wobble over a random sleep of death any-day." That being said, a number of users have expressed dissatisfaction with such warping given the cost of these units.Well, I for one think that the "number of users" remains too low and too quiet in their "expressed dissatisfaction." It is unconscionable to me that Apple continues to crank out defective machines (albeit very powerful and very nice in every other respect), which continue to exhibit these problems and continue to sell at their high prices and NO ONE is interrupting the entire process to say "Hang on a minute..." It seems to be a production flaw that affects a large percentage of the ALBooks. But, my current 12-inch doesn't wobble. It doesn't warp. It stays flat. When I had one that did wobble and warp, I walked into the Apple Store and complained and complained and complained as loudly and politely as possible until the manager replaced the machine (and then I made them open up the box and test the next one WHICH ALSO WOBBLED, so I demanded yet another). If everybody who suffered from this problem did what I did and complained and pushed Apple, then Apple would be forced to address this issue. Unfortunately, too many people out there are happy enough with their great new Powerbook and overlook this horrible problem, which means next time I update my machine, I may have to go through the several hours of complaining yet AGAIN to get my factory defective wobbling 'book, replaced with a nice, properly level model. //rant off...
New Konfabulator with Konsposé Only Widget level...
Added Konsposé Only Widget level (see Release Notes), Added preference panel to gear menu with options for setting the Konsposé key and whether to use a simpler Konsposé for slower machines.Coolness. Lock and load, everybody!
Make your iPod into a Universal Remote...
This Warping thing: The Return of the Warp...
RadTek Cases for your 12-inch
Why Motorolla?
We had no idea: Getting iTunes onto Motorola cellphonesOk. But why moto? What happened to the SE partnership of Macworld Keynote 2 years past? I bet they release an updated iSync later today...(actually, this was jason's observation, but I agree...)
They definitely pulled this rabbit out of the hat: yesterday, the news leaked of the V3, then Motorola announced that their upcoming phones with USB and Bluetooth will be able to pull music off of iTunes. It’s a bit of a blow to the iPod’n’Tunes pundits defending Apple’s hardware-first business model, but hey, they’re going where the money is. And besides, a $700 cellphone is so their style.[Via Phone Scoop] [engadget.com]
Secure Email
I just wanted to note that my .mac email is secure. If the email comes from me, it will be signed with a THAWTE sig and include the HABEAS headers. I am only pointing this out, because I myself have been receiving both spam with my email as the masked sender address and bounced emails notifying me that spam and or viruses are being sent out from my worm infested PC (only thing is that I am only ever running a squeaky clean worm-free Mac). So, in any case, if you ever receive an email from my address without a sig / HABEAS headers, chances are it isn't from me...
FreeiPod.com Pyramid scheme...REPORT...
PowerPage brainstorm: Powerbook Power over Firewire...
Power Your 'Book With FireWireThen include an Airport Express with Firewire port for charging with every 12-inch sold. Great. Do it, Apple. Now!
How about this for the next PowerBook: Apple replaces the traditional power port with a FireWire port and allows charging of the PowerBook over FireWire.
Get a handle on your 12-inch...
iPod Update available via Software Update...
Read Before You Install iPod Updater iPod Updater 2004-07-15 includes iPod Software 3.0 for use with iPods with a Click Wheel. iPod Updater 2004-07-15 also includes the latest software versions for iPod mini and the third generation iPod. With iPod Software 3.0, you can:Lock and load (although you might want to check this out first.)For more information about iPod, go to http://www.apple.com/support/ipod. iPod Updater 2004-07-15 contains the same software versions as iPod Updater 2004-04-28 for all other iPod models. iPod 3.0 Software is not compatible with other models of iPod, including original scroll wheel and touch wheel iPods, and iPod mini. iPod Software 2.2 and iPod Software 1.2 should not be used with iPod with Click Wheel.
- Shuffle Songs with one click (using the Shuffle Songs item in the main menu)
- Create multiple On-The-Go playlists
- Delete songs from On-The-Go playlists
- Select reading playback speed for audiobooks
- Hear audible click user interface feedback in headphones
- Charge via USB connection
- Enjoy improved playback performance
9-11 Hearings on iTMS
Whip Antenna for 12-inch
By adding this 5dbi Whip Antenna to your 12-inch PowerBook, increase the signal strength up to 50%, and increase the line-of-sight distance by an average of 250 yards. This new antenna is a user-installable kit - although it can be tricky working within the small spaces of the 12-inch PowerBook. Give yourself plenty of time and you'll get it done.I'd like to give one of these suckers a test run...
James Duncan Davidson on the Airport Express...
Very nice. And it's a nice touch for those of us that are going to be lugging these things all over the world with us. Now, there's only one more thing that the Airport Express needs... a plug in for a laptop. That way road warriors only have to carry one brick with them.Anyway, click here for the full hands-on report. I wonder if the Apple Store up near work has these in stock yet...
Or even better yet, wouldn't it be cool if every laptop power supply just happened to be a base station? I don't know how possible it would be to squish a Airport Base Station into a 65W power supply, but it'd be damn cool. After all, a Powerbook power supply is US$79. The Airport Express is US$129. Hrmmm... Give it a year or so and it might just be feasible.
In case you hadn't heard...
Is it just me, or does Steve look CRAZY in this pic?![]()
FreeiPod.com Pyramid scheme...
FreeiPod.com Pyramid scheme...
Back in the saddle..
Does it work with Firefox?
Kerry: Mac user...
John Kerry Uses A PowerBookIn a photo taken by Diana Walker, for Time magazine, John Kerry is seen using an Apple PowerBook. It looks to be a 15-inch Titanium model. The caption says "From his study in the family's Pittsburgh, Pa., home, Kerry phones Edwards to officially invite the North Carolina Senator to be his running mate."Support Powerpage.org by shopping at Amazon.com!
The only thing more boringly slow than running Windoze Update on a PeeCee...
SIPphone: My search for a viable VOIP option continues...
Tracking Hard Drive Hogs...
Fair use = free speech
12" Lemons; Pass it on...
Apple sells Matt Webb a lemon, then treats him like crapSpread the word. Maybe we'll actually be able to shame Apple into helping this guy out (and maybe in the process get them to be a little more responsive overall to these types of complaints and be more careful about eradicating the production line problems which tend to plague their portables: warped 12-inchers, spotty screened 15-inchers, cracking boards on iBooks, etc, etc).
Matt Webb bought a 12" Powerbook and got a lemon. He's spent over a month calling Apple, trying to get it fixed, getting ignored, getting promises broken, not having his calls returned, getting the machine returned still broken, sending it back again. This is outrageous: Apple UK needs to do a better job if it plans on retaining customers.It's happened again. Same problems as last time. mutt can't make temporary files, the computer won't shut down cleanly, then it won't boot (stays at the grey Apple screen) DiskWarrior can't repair it (and it freezes in Target Disk mode). If I go into verbose mode on book, the errors are:Link(via Plasticbag) [Boing Boing Blog]Load of /sbin/mach_init, errno 2, trying /etc/mach_init Load of /etc/mach_init failed, errno 2
The hardware check, on the original CDs, comes back fine.
Coincidentally, it's after about 11 days of usage (again), and after the hard drive has got 45Gb of data on it (again).
I called tech support. Very helpful guy in the Danish tech support call centre. He says the next thing they'll ask me to do is reinstall.
Hang on, I've been here before.
I'm not going through this again.
I know this story. This is the one where I spend days doing what tech support ask, send my computer off, Apple hang onto it for months and send it back, still broken.
Color Coding Mail.app Email
Mail app: Color code your messagesRelease your inner organize-ator with color-coded goodness!If you want to color code your messages in the Mail app just press Apple-Shift-C to bring up the color palette. Select any color and you're done.[Creative Bits]
Hacked Site Redux: SPAM...
Hacked Site?
Cecilia CheungJust got this in my RSS feed for my site and never posted it and I have no idea where it came from. I just changed my password in case, but I am hoping it is some sort of Blogger error and not a security hole. Anybody have any ideas what this could be? ANYONE AT BLOGGER PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT! I tried to send a message regarding this issue, but your web form wouldn't post citing an internal error.![]()
Cecilia Cheung2>
Cecilia Cheung [3650 and a 12-inch]
iTunes 4.6 MP3 SharingWonder how long this will last before Apple smashes it to teeny little bits...
You can now use iTunes 4.6's sharing abilities to download music from anyone's shared iTunes playlist. getTunes is a Mac OS X application that can download music from Windows or Mac Rendezvous-shared music libraries. Simply incredible.Read more...Support Powerpage.org by shopping at Amazon.com!
Psst! Pass it on...
Get the vote out!It's a good cause. Firefox is the hotness...
No, not for November. For Firefox. The Mozilla.org folks have started a campaign to increase the visibility of Firefox. I think that this will be an interesting experiment on expanding the reach of an open source project via "marketing volunteers". Even if you don't care about open source anything, at least go vote so that we can start ignoring all the IE related security alerts. And tell your friends and family, too. [Ted Leung on the air]
Tigerize Panther
I'm going to quickly run you through some online freeware / shareware / donationware, that you can load up on your current Mac running Panther to replicate some of the functionality, albeit not the full look and feel, of Tiger. I'll organize the list so that it corresponds to the features list on Apple's Tiger Preview page, and keep in mind this is my list. It is not meant to be comprehensive. It's just what I know to be best, no matter what you say. ;-bCheck it out.
PalmOne Shows Mac love...
pollas.dk losing the love for the 3650...
While I’m still in newfound love with my 12” Powerbook, I’m starting to get sick and tired of my Nokia 3650. It’s butt-ugly but that I knew when I bought it. What I didn’t know was that even though it takes a 128MB card, once you store more than 2MB of data on it, the phone goes slo-mo. Saving images from the camera takes a good 30 seconds, it often needs rebooting (these phones are _not_ computers, damnit) and quite often strange error messages pop up for no apparent reason. I guess it could benefit from a firmware upgrade, but I don’t really feel like paying to get my phone to do what it was supposed to do in the first place… On top of that, I’ll lose my settings.Okay, these are legitimate concerns, which have, of late, had me lusting after P800s and 900s and mysterious things called "SideKicks." In any case, here's some pointers to avoid these difficulties (and to help recuperate from a memory weak 3650):
- This one is preventative: Install everything that you can on the removable MMC card. The phone's sparse megabytes of onboard memory is all it has for thinking and if it has too much there, it starts to slow down and turn dumb.
- If you've already made the mistake of sticking too much on the phone's internal memory, install Fexplorer on the memory card, and use this to move everything you can over to the MMC card. Alternately, un-install (via Menu-->Tools-->Manager-->Options-->Remove)and reinstall everything to the MMC.
- If you have done all of this and still are having problems, you are going to need to update the Firmware. However, if you first go to Menu-->Extras-->Memory, and then choose Options-->Backup phone mem., you can backup everything to your MMC card, then run the firmware update and then restore for this backup to retain all your old settings. h00t!
PDF and Word Browser Plugins...
Drool... I want this handheld scanner...
• Is the DocuPen compatible with MACs? The DocuPen handheld scanner is currently hardware compatible with MACs, However, the current version of the bundled software does not include the MAC driver support. We are currently working to developing the MAC drivers. Once released, current PC users will have access to the new MAC drivers free of cost. Also, please sign up for Planon's E-newsletter to receive news of when the MAC version will be released first hand.If anybody out there has any real world experience with this on their Mac, please comment below or shoot me an email. I want to know the details...
Hack #55: Share Your Mac's Net Connection with a Bluetooth Phone
Get Your London On!
iChatAV vs. PithHelmet
iChat AV conflict with PithHelmet
MacFixIt reader John Stansbury has found that this SIMBL file can also conflict with iChat AV, interfering with video chats: "It wasn't until I went to the Apple Discussions that I found the solution in this post. It goes on to detail how to remove the SIMBL Folder from /Library/InputManagers/ (or ~/Library/InputManagers/) and replace it with the new SIMBL at http://culater.net/dl/files/SIMBL-0.4.tbz. That way, PithHelmet version 0.7.3 (http://culater.net/software/PithHelmet/PithHelmet.php) now works and so does iChat AV." [MacFixIt]
Foofbags for your 12-inch...
Crafty laptop sleevesI'm more into the solid black formal case, but these bags might interest some of you.
Foofbags are Powerbook/iBook sleeves handsewn out of fun-fur and fleece. Link(Thanks, Dirtymouse!)
[Boing Boing Blog]
Hacking Quartz and Desktop Manager...
WiFi VOIP Phone...
More on Konfab vs. Dashboard...
They are Web pages, plain and simple (with extra features thrown in for added measure). Apple's own web site says "build your own widgets using the JavaScript language", but that's sort of misleading. The widgets are HTML+CSS+JS. They are not some JS-only thing.And Apple still hasn't corrected this 'misleading" comment on their Dashboard page. Misleading? Yes. Made to sound exactly like Konfabulator's widget platform? Yes. Why? Either to stir up the current "controversy" in the spirit of any press is good press (stupid) or to gun directly for and appeal to Konfabulator's current user base (stupid and evil*). Bad PR either way. *note that this isn't evil because it is trying to outshoot the competition. That's good business. It is evil because of the way Apple touts itself as the hero of the independent developer and then pulls this big fish little fish act whenever they damn well please. Contradiction of the Apple image. Bad PR.