iSkin ProTouch PB in the Flesh: First Impressions
I just received my iSkin ProTouch PB in the mail today (Thanks, Andrew!), and so far so good.
If you'll notice the picture to the right, you'll see my fat right hand holding up one of the corners of the iSkin Protouch PB. It is nicely form-fitted to each of the keys, with the exception of the topmost row (the esc, F1-12, and eject key) which gets one thin fitted row for all of them. This doesn't hinder performance on that row though. There is a slight lip on either side that makes it easy to remove for when you need to pack up and go. It folds easily for easy transport. Even scrunches up easily, and is durable too. On the 12-inch, it takes a few minutes to get used to, because the feel is different. It hasn't caused any mistyping or any sort of typos, but for some reason when I first started touch-typing I thought I was making typos even when I wasn't just because of the drastic difference in tactile feel. Thin, light, and not too intrusive, it fits nicely and doesn't dampen the nice firm kickback feeling of the 12-inches keys. So like I said, so far so good. I'll post a more detailed review after the weekend with my more long-term use impressions.
Feel free to hop on over to my other blog to see what I have to say about the iSkin eXo2.
Apple Quality Control: An Editorial Rant
The discovery yesterday that the G5 I received at work had a malfunctioning logic board, had to be declared DOA, and is boxed up awaiting FedEx to come pick it up drove a very important point home for me: Apple's quality control sucks.
4 out of the last 6 Apple machines I have either bought for myself or used at work have had to be replaced. Several years ago, the logic board failed on my DP G4 400mhz tower. I had to send it in for a new one. Then the NEW one had the same problem. And I had to trade out again. After that I had an iBook that worked like a charm. I sold the DP and bought a 867mhz G4 that also worked fine (although the hard drive did fail on it 6 months into ownership, but rather than be without it for over a week, sending it to Apple and getting a replacement, I just swapped the drive out with another one I had laying around.) I sold the iBook and was portable-less for a time. I bought my 12-inch this summer. Four days after purchase I realized that the entire machine wobbled and was ever-so-slightly warped, so I took it back to the Westchester Apple Store and demanded that they replace it. They did. My current 12-inch doesn't wobble and didn't have to be replaced, but 6 months into ownership of it and all the feet are missing from the bottom of the machine and the internal mic has failed. I will send this in to be repaired under Apple Care soon, but I am not entirely sure how to do that, considering phone support costs $45 now that I am out of my 90 day free phone support window. Then yesterday, I discover that my two day old G5 at work has a malfunctioning logic board and that is why all nine fans were running at full speed 24/7.
For as long as I can remember, the conventional Mac wisdom has been "Don't buy the first generation of any Mac product." Why is the burden of this put on the consumer? Shouldn't Apple step up to the task of releasing products that work properly without so many production defects (like exploding batteries, wobbling powerbooks, spots on the screen, or failing logic boards)?
Check this out:
NudgeDirect link to Nudge is here. Here's info from its site:
Rainer Brockerhoff's new contextual menu for the Finder, Nudge. [Daring Fireball]
This Contextual Menu "nudges" the Finder to update the information it displays about a file or folder. Use it on any item (or groups of items) if you suspect the Finder hasn't updated its view. This should work for most attribute changes, icon changes, size changes, files that have been saved but don't appear, and so forth. On Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) and up, you can control-click on the empty space in any Finder window and have the contextual menu act on the containing folder.It's freeware, but $5 donations are welcome. Coolness. Apple should send him a rather large donation for providing a solution to one of their major Finder bugs...
Note to Other Bloggers: I Don't Do Link-Exchanges
Hello, all. I've been receiving a slew of emails recently requesting link exchanges between this blog and other blogs, and I just wanted to state publicly for the record that I do not do link exchanges. If you'll notice, the links that I have on this site are categorized and consist mainly of other bloggers who have 12-inchers or 3650s, or are in some way related to these mobile technologies and who blog about such technologies on their sites. If you fit into any of these categories, fire me an email and let me know about your site and I will link to it. If you want to link to me, then cool, but not necessary. However, I do not link to just any blog that rambles on about politics or cooking or sports or whatever. No offense. Thanks for the offers, but I do not do link exchanges.
NeoOffice/J Locked and Loaded on the 12-inch...
I finally managed to get NeoOffice/J downloaded via the command line. Installed it without a hitch and although it was slow to load on initial launch, it looks to be a quite capable java-based port of Ooo and without the need for X11. I think I found my next free Word-substitute. HOOT!
G5 Too Noisy... UPDATED...
So, on Apple's site it states:
Designed for whisper-quiet operation The Power Mac G5’s enclosure houses four discrete thermal zones to compartmentalize the primary heat-producing components. Fans in the zones spin at very low speeds resulting in a system three times quieter than the Power Mac G4.Something must be wrong with this G5 I have at work, b/c it sounds like a jet-engine. Gotta call Apple... UPDATED: Well, after spending some time on the phone with Apple Support, we've determined that there is a problem with the logic board, so they are declaring the machine DOA and sending me a new one in the next 5-7 business days.
This site rules: BugMeNot. Saw it on BoingBoing and thought it important enough to mention here. Pass it on.
I am currently downloading NeoOffice/J to give it a whirl. What is that, you ask? Well:
NeoOffice/J is one of the open source development projects that are a part of NeoOffice.org. NeoOffice/J's primary goal is eliminating OpenOffice.org's dependency on X11 using Java technologies.I'll let you know how it works... UPDATE: Well, for some reason the .dmg file I downloaded via Safari appears to be damaged. So I am downloading again via the terminal with this command:
/usr/bin/curl -C - -O http://www.planamesa.com/neojava/downloads/NeoOfficeJ-0.8.dmgMore to come...
FREE orientation tutorials for Panther
Atomic Learning is offering free Mac OS 10.3 (Panther) training videos, focusing on all the new features of the latest OS from Apple.
GarageBand Tutorial pdfs
This KB article has GarageBand Tutorial pdfs in English and Japanese for the mobile music-makers among you.
Darwine looks to be a pretty cool project that I hope goes far. All you advanced 12-inch coders out there should contribute to it, if you have the time. What does it do? Well it's slogan is: Windows Apps on Mac Without Windows.
If I could throw Virtual PC out the window tomorrow, I would...
What computers need to do...
I need a program for my 12-inch, or better yet, my 3650, that will turn the display into a snow melting laser. If anybody would like to develop this app, I would pay the same amount I paid for my 3 snow shovels and throw in what wages I should have received for the 2 hours I just spent digging my car and the parking space at my apartment building out of the snow.
*whew* I'm tuckered out!
Interesting article on WiFi...
For you 12-inchers out there wardriving, looking for your next fix of free net juices, I found this general info article with some useful links, mentioned over at O'Grady's.
TouchStream MacNTouch for your 12-inch
Symbian Wiki: Useful 3650 Tips...
I hadn't seen SymbianWiki: Useful3650Tips... until I read this post today. Pretty cool. Check it out.
Screwy Powerbook screen issues, anyone?
I haven't had this problem, but Apple has a KBarticle up, called: "Mac OS X 10.3: PowerBook G4 Behaves Unexpectedly After Changing Display Resolution." Not good.
Powerbook G5 rumormill...
O'Grady's has speculation about how the chip in the new G5 Xserve paves the way for a G5 Powerbook in the not-too-distant future.
Yeah, but can they squeeze it into 12-inch goodness?
I just wanted to remind everyone of a great product: KMremoteControl. I have this program installed on my 12-inch so that I can use its keyboard and trackpad to control both my work computer and the printserver at work. Unfortunately, in my excitement of receiving an upgrade in work computers to a G5, I neglected to de-authorize my license on the old work machine, so that I could reinstall on my new G5. I emailed Derman Technologies through their support page and in less than an hour I heard back from Bryan Derman, who after establishing which of my three machines was being replaced, freed up the authorization so I could install on the G5. Perfect example of a great product made better by great support!
My 12-inch is currently feeling neglected, as I just received a G5 with 17-inch flat-screen at work. Nice machine. I take back everything I ever said about these machines being ugly. This thing is pretty. All it needs is a nice sleek aluminum dock for my 12-inch to slide into and to allow it to automatically sync with it. It's blazingly fast and this is only the single 1.6Ghz processor model. Also, the new keyboard is much nicer than the one that came with my Quicksilver G4 at home and the Sawtooth that this machine is replacing at work. I really want to get one of these new keyboards for my home computer now...
I am disappointed, however, to find that there is no bluetooth installed. Seems silly not to include bluetooth by default in all Macs at this point, especially with the Apple-branded bluetooth mice and keyboards out there.
Also, the 9 fans in this sucker are LOUD. Sounds like a server. But since I have a print server right next to my desk and a set of repeaters nearby, it's not really that much added noise. And it makes for a nice breeze in the immediate vicinity of my desk.
Unfortunately the built-in speaker is PATHETIC. Tinny sounding. Horrible.
Anyway, I just installed X11 and the Developer's Tools in this sucker. Now to start installing all the other things that I need this 64-bit processor to start crunching away on...
3650 fades into 3620 stateside...
I read this story yesterday somewhere else, and chose to ignore it, as I didn't want to really think about the implications. But today when I was reading over this newer post at MobileWhack, I was slapped in the face with the cold, hard truth of it: the 3650 is fading into retirement.
It is being replaced by the 3620 stateside and the 3660 in other parts of the world. Both of these phones have better screens than my 3650, but the OS is the same, and the keypad that is reminiscent of old school rotary dial telephones has been replaced by a (sort of) regular keypad. I think I may be the only one who really likes the retro keypad of the 3650. Well, me and some designer at Nokia....
Anyway, my point is the 12-incher I am using is no longer produced, as Apple has moved on to non-warping models with DVI support and better processors, and now Nokia has moved on to a numeric downgrade from the 3650 to the 3620 stateside (so if you decide to cross-grade over, shop around for the 3660 on the net as it supports world band operation, unlike the crippled 3620).
Does the fading of these technologies into the background mean that the end is fast approaching for 3650 and a 12-inch?
Hells no! I'm just getting warmed up!
Run Software Update for the latest Security Update...
Security Update 2004-01-26 available now via Software Update.
Project Omega Panther for Developers Book
For all you 12-inch coders out there: Mac OS X - Version 10.3: Panther for Developers is available as a freely downloadable pdf file. 31337
Custom 3650 and a 12-inch Browser
So, following the instructions found here, I made a little bare-bones browser customized to this site. Pretty cool, I guess, although very short on features. If you are interested in checking it out, you can get it here: 365012browser (44kb). Right click on the link and choose "Download Link to Disk," then unstuff it. You must hit RETURN to connect to the site, and there is no progress bar of any sort. I'll try to update it later when I learn more. Some day, my little browser might be a piece of bloat code to replace the now defunct MSExplorer for Mac!!!
NOTE: This is unsupported software. Use at your own risk. Only works on 10.2 or later. Although, it is basically just an interface built upon a framework already in your system, so it should be entirely safe.
iSkin for your 12-inch...
Hey, remember this post about the iSkin ProTouch PB? Well, anyway, I just received an email from iSkin and they are sending me a Sonic blue ProTouch PB keyboard protector review unit for my evaluation. Pretty cool! Anyway, I'll let you know when it arrives and write up a review of it.
Atom feed...
Well, Blogger now has Atom feeds and I put one for this site up in the sidebar, and right here if you are feeling lazy. I'm keeping the other feed up, though, as this new-fangled Atom feed doesn't want to work in NetNewsWire Lite, my RSS reader of choice (although according to this page NNW support is coming soon).
Anybody else having trouble with .mac?
Hmmm. Looks like the Site portion of my iDisk is no longer functioning? Is this a system-wide thing, or should I be concerned that I haven't backed things up in a while?
UPDATE: Never mind. It is working again.
iTMS RSS feed generator...
If you need to be able to know whenever any new songs by your favorite group are released on the iTunes Music Store, there is now a very customizable iTMS RSS feed generator where you can set up a means to get this info easily.
GarageBand's Missing Feature: microSynthMidiKeys
Although GarageBand rules, I have to say I was extremely disappointed that there was no option to map the keys on its floating keyboard to your Mac's keyboard for those of us who don't own / wish to buy a USB/MIDI keyboard. I mean, how about the number keys 1-8 for all 8 notes per octave with shift for flats and fn for sharps? In any case, for now microSynth can be used as a $20 solution for this missing feature of GarageBand.
Personally, I think I am going to hold off spending $20, and instead use it for when I can upgrade my guitar to one of Gibson's midi-capable axes!
UPDATE: Thanks to Christopher for pointing out that MidiKeys also works for this and is FREE! Thanks, Christopher!
12-inch Internal Mic Freaking Out...
Anybody else having this problem? I thought the internal mic in my 1st gen. 12-inch had failed and was planning on sending my machine off for repair as soon as I can stand to part with it. Anyway, yesterday I am using an air can to clean out anything that might have been mucked up in my keyboard, and I decide what the heck and give the mic a spray of air, in case it was just dirty. Anyway, to my surprise the mic actually registered some response for a change, but still not any sort of steady stream of noise or anything useful. Then all of a sudden this morning I noticed a sort of white noise coming from my speakers, and it became quickly evident that slight noises were being picked up by my mic and played through the speakers! I had to change the system preferences for sound input to line-in to get the noise to stop, but how can this happen? Is this a hardware / software issue or a combination of both? I just tried switching back over to mic again and now it is acting like it is non-functional again. A short perhaps? grrr...
Fabulous Konfabulator
Konfabulator has been updated to version 1.5.5 fast on the heels of yesterdays 1.5.4 update. Get it. It is cool.
SideTrack 0.7.6
I personally don't use SideTrack, but I know several people who do and who love it. Check it out:
SideTrack Updated to 0.7.6
SideTrack is a replacement driver for the trackpad (touchpad) found on Apple PowerBooks and iBooks. It brings many of the advanced trackpad features found on Windows laptops to Mac OS X.Read more... [PowerPage.org]
Welcome Advertiser!
Just wanted to point out that we have a sponsor this month: 123 CCTV Security Surveillance Cameras. If you're in need of security cameras, please click on the ad to the left and check them out.
My Crappy Techno Song
So, I've been playing around with GarageBand and have finally put together My Crappy Techno Song. It rocks!
1GB for your 3650
Pretec's 1GB MultiMediaCardSo, instead of the 128MB I have crammed into my 3650, I could have 1GB. (!!!)
Pretec has been showing off a 1GB MMC Flash memory card which should be compatible with the great many Symbian Series 60 phones... [Gizmodo]
Avoid Cunning Fox
So, I decided to install Cunning Fox and give it a whirl. Bad move. Upon launch it sets itself as a Startup item. Every time I tried to click in its window to change functionality one way or another, the shareware reminder button pops up, and after you shut down the program a little fox head picture remains in the lower left corner of your desktop until you log out. Not friendly software, folks. Avoid it till they fix it...
iLife '04 First Impressions...
Wow. That was one of the longest installs ever. Over half an hour, easy. And for some reason, iDVD 3 didn't bother to update to 4. I had to go in and manually erase my copy of iDVD 3, then run the installer again and choose custom and check iDVD 4 to get it to install (which again took an insane amount of time).
After installation was complete, the first launch of each program took quite a while, especially iPhoto, which had to update the photo library to make it compatible with the new version (probably in the neighborhood of 6-10 minutes to update my 974 photo library).
iPhoto is much faster now than it was, though not as screamingly fast on my 12-inch as it was for Steve on his G5 demo machine at MWSF. But in comparison to its spinning beach-ball response in the days before this update, it is screamingly fast. So, cool.
iMovie looks to be more or less the same as it has been, although I didn't try any of the new editing tricks yet.
iTunes didn't update.
iDVD is much cooler. Runs more smoothly and has a slew of new cool looking templates. Still, I wish Apple offered some sort of iDVD template builder app, so you could further customize things.
GarageBand is very cool, although I was hoping I could 'play' the software instruments via my 12-inch's keyboard as with other software synths, but unfortunately, if you do not have a USB/MIDI keyboard plugged in, it would appear that your only alternative is the floating keyboard menu. Not too user friendly, that one. However, I cannot wait to get home and plug my guitar into my Mac. THAT will be COOL.
Eagerly awaiting iLife '04
iLife '04 is supposed to be delivered to my work desk today. I've just been going through my 12-inch and erasing unused files / programs to make room for it. I cannot wait to start playing around with GarageBand.
Cunning Fox
Cunning Fox looks like it could be a godsend for all the 12-inch road warriors out there who are trying to get the best performance and battery life from their machines:
Cunning Fox: New App Extends Laptop Battery LifeIt's shareware for $14.95 and multi-license options are available. I'll download it and give it a whirl and report back later.
Cunning Fox is a tool to stop and continue the running applications under Mac OS X, so that you can "pause" other applications to gain optimal performance for a specific application. Moveover it helps your laptop to save power making the CPU focus on what you need only. A good use of Cunning Fox let you save up to 20% battery.
Aging 12-inch?
So, as my 12-inch is nearing its 6 months old mark, I've been having several problems with it. The first, which I discovered over the Holidays, is that my internal mic has stopped functioning. No idea why. Should be covered under warranty but I am two weeks to the deadline for my dissertation proposal and cannot part with my 12-inch right now. In three weeks, I will most likely send it off to Apple. Also, ever since I had my combo-drive repaired under warranty by Apple, all the little screws around my 12-inch's casing have started randomly unscrewing themselves, so I am forced to tighten them with a screwdriver once every week to two weeks. Also, if my battery gets low, the computer will randomly go to sleep with no warning when the battery menu indicator reports it has less than 30% charged capacity. This behavior just started a few weeks ago and has dropped me out of several online chats. I tried resetting the PMU and it still happens.
The most annoying and potentially dangerous problem has been the 12-inch refusing to go to sleep when I close the lid. It seems to only happen when the fan is going. Either that, or it is waking itself up after I have closed the lid. In any case, two days ago I closed up my 12-inch, waited for the sleep slight to start pulsating, then slid my 12-inch into a file in one of the file cabinet drawers of my desk and locked the desk (which is a regular security measure by myself that allows me to keep my 12-inch plugged in and charging and keeping it secure at work while I am away from my desk). I returned about an hour later to find that my 12-inch had somehow woken up, the fan was blasting, the metal case was nearly painfully hot to the touch, and when I opened the laptop up, the screen remained dark. I had to force a restart to do anything, and then all was fine. A bit scary, but what is even more scary is that it has refused to go to sleep about three times since then with the same need to force a reboot. Anybody have any ideas what is going on with my aging 12-inch?
When I get some time in several weeks (after the proposal is turned in), I think I am going to back everything up, send this sucker off to Apple for repair, then when it is returned, blow everything away and start fresh.
Shipment Notification
I received an email from Apple at 11:30pm last night confirming shipment of iLife '04, which should arrive tomorrow. HOOT!
Battle of the 1Ghz Mac Portables
Looks like in processing power, the 12-inch 1Ghz Powerbook is just a smidgen better than the 1Ghz iBook:
Dueling Laptops: iBook G4 1 GHz vs. PowerBook G4 1 GHzOh, yeah? Well my 867mhz first gen 12-inch is missing all its feet! SO there...
MacSpeedZone's David Engstrom has written a new report that compares an iBook G4 1 GHz to the PowerBook G4 1 GHz.Performance issues that separate the two machines:Read More at MacSpeedZone.In hardcore processing ability the two portables are evenly matched. The PowerBook slightly eases out the iBook, but it is really in the margin of error area.
- PowerBook has a twice the amount of L2 cache than that of the iBook
- The PowerBook has a different graphics card
- The two machines have different hard drives
- The PowerBook has the SuperDrive that can write DVDs (as tested), and the iBook has the Combination drive
N-Gage vs. 3650
James Duncan Davidson posted this review of the N-Gage, compares it to the 3650 and finds the newer device lacking.
Salling Clicker for the 3650?
I became rather excited when I read this over at MacMinute, because it looked like Salling Clicker would be coming out for the 3650. I mean, for now, I have Romeo and Veta Universal to manage near the same functionality, but from all the praises I've heard from my friend Jason about how nicely and smoothly Salling Clicker runs on his T610, I think I'd like Salling Clicker a bit better. Unfortunately, upon visiting Salling Software's site, it becomes rather apparent that by Symbian-based smart phones, they are only referring to the Sony Ericsson P800/900. :-(
12-inch not a top 20
I don't know about you, but I am pretty disappointed that the 12-inch didn't make Wired's 20 Macs that Matter Most list.
Avoid using scented lotions on hands when using your 12-inch...
Evidently, some of the chemicals in scented hand lotions can act as a catalyst for the marring of your 12-inch's keyboard. Thanks to Andy for this info:
I work for an Apple Authorized Reseller and Service Provider. I have seen many a keyboard come through here. Recently, a lady brought in an iBook, still under the first year of warranty, with half the keys rubbed off. When presented with this problem, Apple suggested the lady not use scented lotions. Apparently one of the chemicals in the lotion is a catalyst for the rub off. Though most people don't need to worry so much about this, I thought I would give you heads up.Wash your hands before you play with your 12-inch, and if you must use lotion, make sure it is not scented. This message brought to you jointly by the 12-incher Protection Agency and the International Bureau for the Humane Treatment of Keyboards.
Need a new case for your 12-inch?
The Briefpack is a new option for carrying your 12-inch around town. At 15 inches tall you'll have 3 inches of spacious room at the top...
my iPod blog 3.0
Hello, all. Just wanted to let anyone who is interested know that in commemoration of my new shiny 15GB iPod, I have decided to reincarnate my iPod blog, where I will be talking about all things iPod and neat things to do when using an iPod with a 12-inch. Check it out in a couple of days after I have some actual content up...
3650 and a 12-inch and a 15...
HOOT! After work today, I took some Christmas money and went by the Apple Store in White Plains and picked up a 15GB iPod and a Belkin Voice Recorder. First thoughts: Sweet! Here's an mp3 recording of my pet parrot, Misha, saying "hello" recorded on the Belkin Voice Recorder, converted from .wav to .aif in Quicktime, and converted to mp3 in iTunes.
I am a filthy-fingered human being...
Remember nearly a month ago when I lamented that several of my 12-incher's keys were becoming marred by paint that was wearing away? Well, over the little vacation time I took off, I realized (thanks to my friend Jason pointing out that it might just be filth) that all my keys were fine: they just needed to be cleaned. Evidently, my fingers are extremely filthy...
My thoughts on MWSF
The new iLife looks like it kicks ass! I really wish I had GarageBand back in high school and I want it very badly right now. I'm slightly disappointed that the majority of the iLife offerings aren't available for download today, but $49 isn't that bad for all that functionality.
I have to say that I am disappointed by the iPod announcements. I was hoping for a new 80GB iPod to pull down the prices of the 40 and 30GB iPods, and while the 15GB iPod for $299 is nice, it's nothing we haven't seen before. The iPod Mini, while a nice form factor, holds less than a 3rd of the 15GB iPod and is only $50 less. Bad price-point.
Keynote Round-up
Software announcements:
- Final Cut Express 2.0
- Microsoft Office 2004
- iLife '04—new iTunes, new iPhoto (supports 25,000 images!!!), iMovie 4 (with iSight importing!!!), iDVD 4 (20 new themes! PRO ENCODING!!! 2 hours per DVD. ARCHIVE PROJECTS!), & new 5th app: GarageBand! $49 January 16th!
- JamPack for GarageBand $99
- iTunes Music Store features: Billboard Charts, 12,000 Classical Tracks, 500,000 songs available for purchase, Essentials, and Pepsi GiveAway.
- Xserve G5 (shipping in February)
- Xserve RAID
- Keyboard for use with GarageBand $99
- 15GB iPod for $299, new in the ear headphones (available today), iPod mini! in various colors and an aluminum shell. $249 4GB shipping next month. (IMHO, too expensive considering the 15GB iPod is only $50 more)
For those of you waiting for the Keynote...
...the video feed just started... they just announced it will start in @ 3 minutes. !!!
Where to Follow the Keynote...
If you, like me, were unable to travel to MWSF today for the keynote, fortunately there are a variety of different ways to follow what you will be missing. Unfortunately, the SMS service that I mentioned yesterday has already reached subscription overload, so no more super-portable updates. However, if you still want to tune in, but don't have the bandwidth for Apple's stream, Mac Net Journal, dotmac.info, Mac OS X Hints, and Macminute are all offering live reporting of the keynote events. Also, in preparation for the events, you might want to check out this speculative article over at MacRumors and the CNET article from the show floor to which MacRumors links.
So far, my favorite news out of the show is the SightLight from Griffin which provides much needed illumination for Apple's iSight. I'll be getting one of those, and now I have to decide whether to get the Belkin Voice Recorder with the new iPod I will be purchasing, as I had planned, or to wait until April when Griffin's recently announced iTalk iPod Voice Recorder complete with a line for an external mic comes out... What to do what to do ...
Your Handwriting as a Font
Check this out. Now you can make your documents on your 12-inch as illegible as your handwriting!
Pre-Keynote Preparation...
So, if you have the bandwidth and the time tomorrow, you can head over here on your 12-inch and watch the keynote as it is streamed by Apple. Alternately, if you are on the go, you can get the keynote via SMS on your 3650 thanks to MacTeens. Register for the SMS here. That's pretty cool!
I sold my old iPod to my friend Jason, so I am eagerly awaiting the announcement of new iPods before using that money and some Christmas money to get me a new one.
Speaking of iPods, here's my one MacWorld prediction: iPods with integrated FM/AM radios. Why do I think this? Because of this.
Happy New Year!
Welcome back everybody! Hope you had some happy holidays. I did. In any case, I just wanted to let everyone know that I'll begin posting regularly again starting Monday, so stay tuned!
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