
We'll Closed...

We'll Closed On Thanksgiving Day
November 27th, 2003
You've got to love Chinese Take Out Restaurants' announcements...

All Roads Lead to Korn...

The iTunes Music Store is on the fritz. Every link I click on takes me to the clean only version of a Korn album, except for links on that page, that take me to Brittany Spears (but all of her links lead me back to Korn). All links lead to Korn... UPDATE: The problem appears to be fixed. No word yet on whether it was just a glitch or some sort of 3l337 |-|/-\><()R attack (translation: elite hacker)...


Hallo, Deutschland!

Willkommen zu meinem blog! Macnews.de has reported on my Share2Blue2th scripts. I received an email from Ben Schwan, editor for macnews.de, this morning, asking if I knew how to get the scripts working with a P900/800. I'm not sure how, as I do not have a P900/800, but this discussion states that it has been made to work, and others have reported to me that they use the scripts with a P800. Theoretically, it is simply a matter of getting the P800/900 to see the bluetooth pairing with the computer as one of its available access points. The PPP connection over bluetooth is established between the phone and the computer during any iSync, and all my scripts do is share the computer's internet connection out over that PPP connection. So if you run the scripts, and you've followed all the instructions on the Mac side of things, it is just a matter of figuring out how to get the P800/900 to see the already established internet connection over the bluetooth pairing. If anyone can provide more precise directions of how you have done this on the P800/900, please let me know (cks3 at mac dot com) and I will post the details here. Sehr kühl!

Number Portability...

For those of you who have been wanting a 3650, but your current cellular carrier doesn't carry it: Rejoice! Number portability is here and Gizmodo has a nice group of links for you to look at as you look into making the switch...


Printing to a Bluetooth Printer from your 12-inch...

For those of you who are frustrated with Apple's lack of any support for bluetooth printing, you might want to look at this discussion. There you will find a link to the most daftly pointless Knowledge Base Article I have ever seen, as well as a few work around solutions that will allow you to use Bluetooth File Exchange to send certain supported files to the printer. Here's a link to the most detailed workaround. I was emailed about all this, (Thanks, Tom!) asking if I would be willing to develop a program to support bluetooth printing in OS X. Unfortunately, I am not nearly that advanced a developer. The things I have written have all been put together piecemeal from bits and scraps of code I've seen around the web (and it looks like CPUfrequency doesn't really work; see below). And I also lack any sort of bluetooth printer to test this all on, should I try to automate something based on the workarounds linked to above. Anybody know of a solution to this inconvenience? Anyone willing to develop a solution? Looks like there are a group of people who need it... Email me (cks3 at mac dot com) if so...


'Nother Security Update

Available via Software Update now...

CPUfrequency flaw: sysctl command does not work properly (confirmed)

According to this comment on VersionTracker, the sysctl command does not work properly. Here's what it says:
Just run sysctl -a and you'll see what I am talking about... You'll get the same results for hw.cpufrequency, hw.cpufrequency_min & hw.cpufrequency_max This means that the sysctl command does not work properly, a fact we already recognized when evaluating tools like "XBench"...
I followed these instructions and sure enough:
hw.cpufrequency: 866666664
hw.cpufrequency_min: 866666664
hw.cpufrequency_max: 866666664
So, it looks like it doesn't really work, but I'll keep it available, as some people have used it and found their speed to be slower, reset their PMU, and have seen speed improvements according to XBench, which would seem to indicate that something is going on...

CPUfrequency may not work with 1Ghz TiBooks

This discussion, titled "Slowdown on 1Ghz Ti Book" indicates that sysctl hw.cpufrequency is reporting inconsistent results on these machines. Thanks to Steve for this info! It would seem to be a good idea to run XBench along with the CPUfrequency scripts to make sure that the PMU reset actually fixed the problem.

Apple Hardware Test may incorrectly report that the Bluetooth module is not present...

This KB article has information that may be of use to those of you troubleshooting a bluetooth problem with your computer.

CPUfrequency 1.1

Hello everyone. I updated the CPU frequency scripts so that the results will now be displayed in Mhz, rather than just plain ol' hz. This change is based on code provided by Sarah Baucom in this comment. Thanks, Sarah! Here's the new code for the scripts:
display dialog "Processor Speed: " & (round ((do shell script "sysctl hw.cpufrequency | sed 's/^hw.cpufrequency: //'")) / 1000000) & " MHz"
display dialog ("If the Processor Speed displayed is lower than the actual speed of your processor, you need to reset your Power Manager. Shut down your computer. Hold down SHIFT+CTRL+OPTION+POWER for 5 seconds, then start up again. Run this script again to see the improvements! WARNING: This will reset your preferences (clock, etc) to their defaults and erase any RAM disks you may have.")

Explanation of sysctl hw.cpufrequency and what CPUfrequency does...

My friend, Jay Savage, who understands the BSD underbelly of OS X quite a bit better than I, explains what sysctl hw.cpufrequency does:
The poster at version tracker is correct that sysctl doesn't return a real number. It returns a constant passed to the system at system start-up (and possibly wake-up, I'm not sure) by the PMU. The kernel and PMU will modify the actual speed on-the-fly based on load numbers and energy-saver setting in the pref pane, and sysctl will not return that number, you need to actually pool the processor to find out what it's doing at any given time...this is what the bogomips calculated a Linux start-up are all about.

For your purposes, though, the real numbers don't matter, because the bug in question involves the PMU essentially forgetting what the real speed is and setting the max Mhz artificially low. Effective clock speed may well often be below the number reported by sysctl (a kind of variable clock speed is what makes mobile chips possible: why waste power if your load numbers are below 1?), but it will never be above the number reported by sysctl. So if sysctl is reporting 400Mhz for a 800Mhz processor, you know something is seriously wrong. Even under full load, the PMU will not allow the CPU speed up past 400Mhz, which means you're never getting more than 50% out of your hardware. Get that back up to 867, and you can theoretically get 867Mhz out of your chip. You won't get that all the time, especially on battery power, but better and actual 400 out of 800 than an actual 200 out of 400.[bold emphasis mine]
So, the CPUfrequency scripts work fine for what they are meant to do, which is simply to report the maximum possible number (speed in hertz) your computer currently thinks in the processor is capable of achieving. If it reports back 5333333334 and you have an 867mhz chip, as happened with me earlier this week, then your PMU needs to be reset, so that the computer will realize that there is more processing power available there, should it be needed...


CPUfrequency comments...

Well, according to this comment on VersionTracker the command line instruction that my script uses *might* not work properly:
With sysctl hw.cpufrequency you'll always get the maximum or the reduced processor speed regardless of the settings in the "Energy Saver" panel.

At the moment the only tool which reports the actual cpu speed correctly is Apple's Skidmarks GT (included in the CHUD Tools).
I'm not really sure if the poster of this comment understands that I'm only trying to get the maximum processor speed (b/c if it is lower than it should be it is a problem). It is supposed to be diagnostic for the singular problem of a PMU that needs resetting, not as a processor usage monitor. I made the script based on information that I found on the 12-inch Powerbook Yahoo Group (as I stated below). As I understand it, it is working properly for what it is intended to do. Can anyone provide more info on sysctl hw.cpufrequency? I also realized my description of the program on Versiontracker was rather vague. I've updated it.

Welcome MacNN readers...

If you're looking for the scripts mentioned on MacNN, you'll find them linked under downloads in the side bar. Hope you find them useful. More info on them below and in the archives. Hope you enjoy your stay!

CNET: "Nokia: Original batteries don't explode"

More on the exploding Nokia phenomenon that I've mentioned here before over at CNET. Nokia reaffirms that the only phones effected are ones using 3rd party batteries. Here's an excerpt:
"We believe Test-Aankoop's new test results of original Nokia batteries erase any doubts as to the safety of Nokia products, including original Nokia batteries," Janne Jormalainen, a vice president at Nokia, said in a statement. "The recent media attention to this industrywide problem has put a much-needed spotlight on the potential dangers of non-original batteries--and the industry's ongoing battle to rid the market of inferior, potentially unsafe products."
Good to know.

Share2Blue2th and CPUfrequency on MacUpdate and Versiontracker...

So I just submitted the scripts to VersionTracker and they are at the top of the front page:
I also listed them on MacUpdate. Pretty cool! Hope the traffic doesn't CRASH my iDisk!

CPUfrequency Scripts

So, I put together these CPUfrequency scripts (20KB) that basically run the shell script mentioned in the last post, displaying the results in a dialog box followed by another dialog box that provides you with the information on how to reset the Power Manager should you need to... Thanks to my friend, Jay Savage, for helping me to get the scripts working properly and tweaked nicely!

12-inch Processor Slow-down...

This was reported on the 12inchPowerbooks Yahoo Group. Launch Terminal. Type in:
sysctl hw.cpufrequency
When I did this the first time I received the following as the output:
hw.cpufrequency: 5333333334
So, for some reason, my computer thought that my 867mhz G4 chip was only capable of running at 533mhz. Evidently, it is tied into Power Management. So, if you do this with similar results, shut down your computer, then hit the SHIFT+CTRL+OPTION+POWER and hold them down for a slow ten count. Now boot up your computer.[UPDATE: For those of you with RAM disks, from the KB article linked below: "Warning: Resetting the Power Manager on any PowerBook or iBook will permanently remove a RAM disk, if present, and all of its contents." Word to the wise...] After doing this, I ran the sysctl hw.cpufrequency from the command line and received the following output:
hw.cpufrequency: 866666664
Back to normal. Anyway, now everything is running even faster and zippier than it was after I installed Panther, so who knows how long I have been running at half speed. I might put this in a diagnostic script. We'll see. In the meantime, here's the somewhat unknowledgable Knowledge Base Article on the phenomenon. Also, what is going on Apple? Memory leaks are a plague of the PeeCee community that I am all too familiar with from working in a computer lab, but PERSISTENT PROCESSOR LEAKS?! And as the Knowledge Base Article states it is due to a circuit; it is another hardware problem. I wish they had at least publicized the possibility of this in some real way, so that users could be doing what is stated above as a part of their regular maintenance check on the computer.


New Bluetooth update via Software Update

Run Software Update to download. Restart required. I just installed it, and everything seems to be working fine when syncing between the 3650 and the 12-inch. Share2Blue2th scripts still work. (I'm syncing Avantgo as I write this). I also opened Bluetooth File Exchange and was actually able to upload a file via the "Browse Bluetooth Device" dialog, which has never worked for me in the past. Attempting to create a folder failed, however. And, unfortunately, it still only displays files that you've uploaded with the Put function. I dream of some day when I will be able to drag and drop via my bluetooth connection all the pictures I have taken on my phone onto my desktop and erase them from the camera in one fell swoop. Or better yet, mount my 3650 on my desktop, just like a FW disk, an iPod, or my iDisk...

MCE offers 12-inch iBook with DVD-R/RW drive...

Now you can get a 12-inch with a super suped-up SuperDrive that will burn to both DVD-R/RW and DVD-RAM for under $1300. That ain't too shabby!

More on Paris Hilton's 3650...

I just got the most recent copy of Wired Magazine and on page 120 found this quotation from Paris Hilton:
"I can't live without my cell phone. It's the one with the big round dial, and it has a video camera on it. I have a ring tone of my sister, and she's screaming and singing on it. It's pretty funny."
SO, she doesn't know it is called a 3650, and her favorite features are the video camera and customizable rings. If that isn't found poetry, I don't know what is...


New 3650 icon for the mobile site...

If you have Avantgo, check out the mobile edition of this site:

I just made a new graphic for it...
UPDATE: I liked the graphic so much that I decided to integrate it into the site design at the top. If you hate it, let me know...

Paris Hilton has a 3650!

Got this from Gizmodo:
And now Wired is out quoting Paris as saying, "I want to get a huge, giant, the biggest flat screen you can get." And guess what: She's got a video camera on her Nokia 3650 phonecam.
I wonder if she reads 3650 and a 12-inch? That would be the coolest...

MacFixIt: Troubleshooting Mac OS X 10.3

MacFixit's Troubleshooting Mac OS X 10.3 special report sponsored by Small Dog Electronics is officially online now. I'd advise checking it out and printing pdfs of all the pages you think might be useful, because if you are not a subscriber to MacFixIt, it'll become inaccessible to you after 30 days...


Exploding Nokia Batteries?

Last week, in this post, I noted how the Register had an article about a 3rd party company that reported that some Nokia batteries for certain models were vulnerable to the same short-circuiting that has caused several 3rd party batteries to explode in Nokia phones. Well, now it looks like they changed their minds... Update: Looks like there is more information here, in this even newer Register article, titled "Unsafe Nokia batteries - or counterfeits?" which states:
However, Warentest still believes consumers should be careful when using Nokia batteries. 'We bought the batteries from retailers, just like any other consumer would have done,’ an Warentest test editor tells the German news site Spiegel Online.

Left my 3650 at home today...

I feel naked.

Java 1.4.1 (Panther) - 41MB

Get it here or via Software Update.


Share Internet Connection over Firewire

This is a pretty cool thing that I think I will set up on my 12-inch for whenever I need to share internet to a non-Airport / bluetooth capable computer. I can foresee troubleshooting situations in which this could prove useful. Anyway, if there is enough interest, I will try to work out how to share the shared internet-connection via Firewire out via bluetooth for the 3650 and incorporate it into the Share2Blue2th scripts. Coolness!

1GB Chip for 12-incher...

TransIntl.com has reduced the price on the 1GB chip for the 12-inch (Jan. 2003 model) from @ $800 when it was first released to the current "still-too-high-for-me-to-buy" price of $475 (even though the $ to MB ratio isn't too bad). If it would only drop another $200 or so....

Switch your landline over to your 3650...

In case you hadn't heard, there have been a few laws passed recently, one of which gives you number portability, so that if your service from AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, Cingular, T-Mobile, or whoever sucks, you can switch mobile phone networks and take the precious number you've already handed out to all your friends with you to the new network. Pretty sweet! Additionally, if you decide to get rid of your antiquated and rarely used landline:
Go Mobile and Keep Your Number
The Federal Communications Commission released rules Monday that will allow landline customers to keep their phone numbers if they decide to switch to cell phone service. The new rules take effect Nov. 24 in the largest metropolitan areas. [Wired News]
I really like the idea of this, except for one nagging concern: in the big blackout here in New York this summer, my cell phone couldn't always reach the network. But that old analog, wired phone that I keep could connect everywhere...


Stop memory-resident programs from launching on 3650 reboot...

Very useful hint today over at Russell Beattie's site:
To make sure that no memory-resident programs start when you reboot your phone, hold down the pencil key when you turn the phone on. I don't have anything running on my phone that this affects, but the idea is that you can stop some of those apps - say Handy Day or something like it - that starts up automatically when you restart the phone. [Russell Beattie Notebook]

My one and only Exposé complaint...

I must begin by saying that I love Exposé. It is the most work-conducive feature that I have seen implemented in user interface in some time. However, it has made my very useful workspace, a very cluttered workspace, as in order to navigate to windows easily, I have to keep them all visible. I would much rather have an option to hide all windows that I want to, except for when I invoke Exposé, at which time all open windows, whether visible or hidden, should pop into view for my perusal. That would rock.

FileVault: Data-Loss still a risk under 10.3.1

Check out this Knowledge Base Article:
Important: If the computer is force-restarted or power is lost while disk space is being reclaimed, data loss can occur. Mac OS X 10.3.1 does not address this type of data loss.
So, it looks like if you want to use FileVault, you might want to be very careful about when you freeze your computer and have to force a resta--oh, wait! You have no control of that sort of thing! Might want to pass on FileVault for now...

Advert appeal: Over 1000 unique hits a month...

According to eXTReme Tracking, I'm getting just a bit over 1000 unique visitors to this site a month (and it's been up for just under 3 months), and the daily hits average keeps edging up. It was in the 30s, but now is in the 40s, although for the past week I've been receiving over 70 unique hits during the week and over 50 on the weekends. That's not too shabby. That being said, would you like to advertise on this site, and help me buy more gadgets gear your ads to a specific audience of proven consumers? If so, please click the ad in the left column for more information...

12-inch as ebook reader, thanks to the new Preview!

Check this out. I just discovered yesterday, that you can rotate any document you open in Preview clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on your taste, and then choose view, full-screen. Now, if you turn your 12-inch on the side, you have a nice nearly standard sheet sized piece of "paper" to read off of, and all you have to do is click the mouse button at the side to turn the page. This is the coolest feature of Panther that I have discovered, yet! Here's some pics taken with my 3650:

Turned to the right...

Turned to the left...


10.3.1 is OUT!

Software Update now for a few fixes for your firewire-drive-shredding OS and file-destroying-FileVault:

Solution to AppArchServerThread error on 3650...

You may remember my first post on this back when Calendar syncing with the 3650 was finally officially added to Apple's iSync functionality. While I was overjoyed to have iCal calendar syncing with my 3650, every time I would sync the 3650 and my 12-inch the following error would appear twice:
App. closed! AppArchServerThread
Over the weekend, I received a 128MB MM card for my 3650! When I replaced the 16MB card in the 3650 with the new card, without bothering to move any of the information over, and synced, the error entirely disappeared. The reason for all these errors? I was housing all my images on the 16MB card, including the ones that were linked into my Address Book, and evidently the pictures in my 12-inch's Address Book and my 3650's Address Book were causing the conflict, as the 12-inch couldn't overwrite the linked-to images that weren't in their default location in the phone. This at least is my theory, because in addition to the disappearance of the error, several images linked to contacts changed on the phone, based on the images in my 12-inch's Address Book. So, if you are having this problem, I would advise moving images linked to your address book over to the phones main memory and relinking them to the Address Book and then attempting to resynchronize everything. Good luck! In other news, having 128MB on the 3650 is amazing! Unfortunately, I discovered that I need to get some sort of USB card reader to transfer the large files, as sending a 3GPP version of Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers, weighing in at 98MB, via bluetooth was going to take 4 and a half hours according to Bluetooth File Exchange. Oof!

More on exploding Nokia batteries...

Here's another article from the Register about exploding Nokia phones. The problem has been occurring due to faulty 3rd party batteries, but now a consumer watchdog group says "that some Nokia batteries (in particular the Nokia BML-3, BMC-3 and BLC-2) are also unprotected against short-circuiting." None of these battery models are used in the 3650, but nonetheless, if you find your 3650 growing inordinately warm in your pocket, remove it from your pants immediately! A public service announcement courtesy of 3650 and a 12-inch...


More Local iDisk Problems...

Well, the image in the last post isn't loading yet. Why? Because for some reason, although I only updated one file, when I went to sync my iDisk it decided to re-upload the entire disk and is taking forever, eating up my processor, and heating the bottom left corner of my 12-inch. What is up with this flakey iDisk? Could this have something to do with it?

Cool Panther Feature: Activity Monitor

After installing Panther, if you navigate to your Applications folder and then your Utilities folder, you will find that the Process Viewer has been replaced by Activity Monitor. Some of you might have used Menu Meters or perhaps the CPU Portal widget for Konfabulator in the past to keep monitoring your processes in the Dock. Now, however, you can launch Activity Monitor and click and hold on its icon in the dock:

Notice the menu options that pop up when you click and hold on the Activity Monitor icon in the Dock.
Here, you can set the Dock icon for a variety of different display options. I like to keep it running on Show CPU history, so there is a changing graph of CPU usage in the Dock at all times. An added benefit of this, beyond what you receive from the above mentioned programs for monitoring such things, is that you can launch the Activity Monitor main window from this menu as well, in case something freezes and you need to quickly quit some processes. Cool!

Jason Ball's TechBytes back online...

After a snafu with his iDisk, my friend Jason finally got Apple to reset it, so that he could upload the local copy he has to fix the problem. He notes:
Also, if you do completely botch your iDisk, like me, post a request on .mac discussion forms asking that they "reset your iDisk to it's original state". An Apple Engineer will reset it for you (and erase all files, backups, websites, etc. You need to make a local copy before requesting this). It took 3-4 days for them to reset my iDisk, but it seems to be fine again. I'm going to request that Apple offer a "reset iDisk" preference pane or check box...because I have a feeling this won't be the last time this happens.
Good idea. If anybody at Apple reads this, we'd like a reset iDisk option in the System Prefs. Thanks.

Information on backing up your 12-inch...

Pretty useful article provided by Babel Co., talking about OS X backup issues and options. Check it out.


Mac OS X Unwired

Check this out: Mac OS X Unwired: A Guide for Home, Office, and the Road:
Mac OS X Unwired is a one-stop wireless information source for technically savvy Mac users. If you're considering wireless as an alternative to cable and DSL, or using wireless to network computers in your home, office, or on the road, this book will show you the full-spectrum view of wireless capabilities of Mac OS X, and how to get the most out of them.
I just got an email from an O'Reilly & Associates editor asking if it would be okay to include mention of my Share2Blue2th scripts and a link to this site in the book! Pretty cool! Go order a copy! Now! I'll write a review of it here when it comes out. Thanks, Phil!

Don't use 3rd party batteries in your 3650...

I think this is the fourth story I've heard over the last several months about Nokia phones exploding because of 3rd party batteries. None of the reports have been associated with the 3650 specifically, but better safe than sorry, I'd say... Official statement from Nokia (via The Register):
"Using inferior quality standards may lead to these types of incidents [exploding phones] occurring. The best way to prevent such incidents is to use only original Nokia enhancements and to buy them from an authorized or other reputable dealer."



I just downloaded the tarfile of Gopher from here. Get it, drop the uncompressed folder into your root directory. Launch the Terminal. Then type the following (each separate line should be typed in front of another command prompt and then hit return. some text may scroll.):
cd /.
cd gopher
sudo make install
you will be prompted for your password
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin:$HOME/bin/
Then, go to your System Preferences/Sharing/Firewall and open up port 70 for Gopher (add port, other, 70, gopher). Now simply go back to the terminal and type "gopher" without the quotes! Tada! You now have gopher, the super fast information highway that predates the internet ready to go on your 12-inch. You also have just compiled a program and ported it to OS X. Whoo-hoo! i am a g33k! Gopher rules! Veronica!!!


Panther Updates via Software Update

Apple has released a new security update that fixes a potential vulnerability in the Terminal and an update to Xcode, both available via Software Update.

Cool japanese "bag" for your 12-inch...

Click on the image to the right to check out the Mongoworks:
Is a cloth used to wrap things, comes from the word 'furo' (bath) and 'shiki' (spread). As the name describes, Furoshiki is a wrapping product. It accommodates objects of various sizes and shapes. The inner material of 5-mm polyurethane can sustain shock, and keeps your electronic or other gear safe and handy. It can be carried by the outside belt, or in your bag. It is a novel Furoshiki for our generation.

Nokia accessories for your 3650...

Check it:
Nokia's new Bluetooth accessories
The Nokia avalanche continues this week, with a few new Bluetooth products due out early next year: the HS-4W wireless headset, the Nokia 610 Bluetooth Car Kit (which has an LCD display for caller ID), and the AD-5B Wireless Audio Adapter for adding Bluetooth to phones that don't already have it built-in. Read... [Gizmodo]
I want that new headset...

Grrrrr.... Panther rant...

Okay. For some reason, even though I have my .Mac system preferences for my iDisk set to sync Manually, it keeps kicking back to Automatic. This earlier caused Panther to crash (effectively) as the automatic sync kicked in when I had no net connection and this caused the Finder in Panther to entirely freeze. Tried to Force Quit and Relaunch, and it absolutely refused to, so that ultimately I had to reboot the entire machine. Also, after rebooting, TextEdit froze again; it would appear that there is some sort of odd conflict between TextEdit and X11, as when I quit X11, TextEdit unfroze. Bizarre. Anyway, with people's firewire hard-drives erasing themselves, and FileVault mangling people's Home folders and locking them out of their machines, these freezes I am having would seem to be small things, but insanely irritating nonetheless. Can't wait till 10.3.1 rolls out with bug fixes. Let's just hope that it fixes more bugs than it releases, eh? Update: I should accentuate that I like all the Panther improvements. It is faster than Jaguar. But it is nonetheless extremely buggy in some areas. I would probably be furious if I had suffered any of the data loss that others have reported.

Looks like my friend Jason is having a bad day...

This post is odd: Pocket Quran

EDIT: I had a crash in Panther, due to the iDisk trying to connect and freezing the Finder when I lost my internet connection earlier. Quite some time after the crash, a forced reboot and several posts, this post suddenly re-materialized on this blog, albeit in mangled form, even though I never successfully posted it. Kind of scary! Do you read Arabic? Have you always wanted to read the Quran, but didn't want to carry it around with you on the subway? If so, here's a FREE copy of Pocket Quran for your 3650. Unfortunately, I myself do not read Arabic, as I am very interested inmargin-top:30px;width:300px;margin-bottom:0px;color:gray;font-weight:bold} .PostTitle{font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;font-family:arial, helvetica;} .Post{margin-bottom:20px;font-size:14px;padding-right:15px;line-height:17px;font-family:arial, helvetica;color:black;} .PostFooter{margin-bottom:10px;margin-left:0px;color:gray;font-size:10px} #menu{border-left:1px solid #000;border-bottom:1px so

Porn for your 3650...

I saw this linked to over at Gizmodo:
Sexy Mini Movies for Cell Phones
Not great for the Nokia image, a website calling itself RingtonesNokia, offers downloadable mini porn movie clips for cell phones. Images take about 1 minute to download via wap. Not for children. Or anyone you would want to know.[picturephoning.com]
The RingtonesNokia site is not safe for work, so I am not linking it here. If you actually do download these for your 3650, please know that you are, in fact, a freak.

Pocket Quran

Pocket Quran is free for your 3650. Wish I knew Arabic, as I am a big fan of comparative religion and have always wanted to give the Quran a gander....


Avoid FileVault on Panther!

Here's why...

Panther troubleshooting guide...

Check it out.

New 12-inchers would appear to lack "wobble"...

Well, I've actually heard back from a few people now, who say that their new revision 12" Powerbooks lack the warping casing resulting in a rocking wobble phenomenon. Several of the first models suffered from this (including the first one I owned) and it seemed to be a production flaw. Looks like it is being eclipsed now by the recent issues with the new 15" Powerbooks having spots all over their screens, and Panther erasing people's Firewire 800 hard drives. Is it just me, or does someone in Apple's quality control department need a good talking to? UPDATE: Evidently, it's not just me.