I bent my 12-inch...
You hold down the joypad, talk, and it records your voice and then sends it as a package (it doesn't seem to be streamed) to the recipient. It's about 15-30 seconds from talk to receive in total. It works, but it's definitely slow and not a replacement for the telephone.Oh, well. I guess I'll stick to iChat. I wonder if there is a way to make my 3650 the bluetooth speaker and mic for iChat. That is what I want...
KABLOG is a tool for mobile phones and PDAs that allows you to post new blog entries to blog servers such as Movable Type, blogger, B2, Blog-City, UserLand (Radio), Roller, SnipSnap, and other blog servers that support either the simple blogger xmlrpc interface or the extended metaWeblog interface. In addition, KABLOG provides extended support for posting entries to Movable Type. KABLOG does not support LiveJournal at this time.Anybody used this? I'll give it a shot and post from it later.
Updated Read Me File
10.2.8 bad for 12-inch battery...
EVEN More on KMremoteControl...
New Nokia Gadgets...
Receive digital images via MMS and display them in a stylish frame. Its clean design blends in well at home or in the office - your pictures are what will stand out.That is cool! I could potentially buy my parents who live in Mississippi this frame and send them pictures from my life in New York year round. Wonder how much one of these things will cost. If my Nokia readers need someone to test one of these puppies out and post a full review of it, please feel free to contact me. ;-)
I was wrong...
Series 60 Platform Community Awards 2003
The Series 60 Platform Community is setting aside a day to recognize the companies who have made the biggest impact on the Series 60 Platform Community. Awards will be given in five categories that represent the different types of products and services created for the Series 60 Platform.I'm not nominated for anything, but the invite is super-cool. Unfortunately, I will most likely have to decline, as it is being held in Nice, France, and I am in NY, working on my dissertation for my Ph.D. in English, running some computer labs for my University, with a mortgage, a wedding in the not too distant future, and little free money. Now, if Nokia wanted to pay for me to attend, or perhaps offer me a high-paying job with the company... *wink wink*
More on KMremoteControl...
I was Google-ing around and saw your posting at http://3650anda12inch.blogspot.com/. W.R.T. using VU through KMrC, you might try selecting the "Turn on only if using third-party mouse drivers..." option in the "Activation and Presentation" preferences on the "Remote Controlling" tab. You'll need to be using KMrC version 1.10 to do this.Coolness! As soon as I am back to work tomorrow (as the two machines I have set up to be controlled are at work) I'll try this out and let everyone know how it works. So, I also emailed Bryan back, thanking him for the info, and asking if there were a way around the CTRL+ALT+DELETE dilemma that I mentioned the other day, and he quickly replied back:
While that option was designed specifically to work around problems a customer was having while using the Wacom mouse/tablet, what it really does is attempt to "grab control" of the mouse events "back" from applications/drivers that have done something that does not conform to the more standard/Apple-supplied interfaces for doing so. Because of what the option does, it has some positive "side effects" that may benefit you in this instance. For example (although it's still not supported!) I have, by turning on this option, been able to successfully (albeit, accidently) daisy-chain remote-controlled systems so I was controlling a system that was controlling another system(Mac-to-Mac-to-PC, in this case).
I'd be interested to hear how you make out with your VU/controller-to-conrolling/Mac-to-controlled/Mac.
we chose a physical mapping so:So, to achieve CTRL+ALT+DELETE all I need to enter through the Key Substitution menu is CONTROL+COMMAND+DEL. Sweet!
- Mac PC
- Ctrl === Ctrl
- Opt === Windows
- Cmd === Alt
Register touts 3650
New KMRemoteControl 1.20
KMremoteControl 1.20It has added a key combination substitution feature that I had hoped would fix my CTRL+ALT+DELETE needs with the Windows 2000 server I manage at work, but unfortunately, it doesn't register the fn+option combination that is necessary on the Mac to access ALT, and plain old option isn't working as a good substitute.
Keyboard/Mouse Switcher Use your favorite keyboard and mouse for all the Macs and PCs on your desk. [Mac OS X Downloads]
Updated Scripts
UPDATE 09/23/2003: Thanks to Jim Wright, for some extra coding, the package now includes a script.app and script called "Share Internet to Bluetooth [EDIT]" that allows you to select either Ethernet or Airport each time you run the script. I also separated each operation into separate script files that are included, called "Share Airport to Bluetooth [EDIT]" and "Share Ethernet to Bluetooth [EDIT]", respectively. Jim added several pauses between the different commands that are running in the scripts that has eliminated the need to run "sudo named" from the terminal after running the connect script. Renamed the "Kill Airport Over Bluetooth" script to "Kill Net Over Bluetooth," due to the additional options available. If anyone needs this to work with their dial-up connection, let me know, and I will look into creating separate scripts for these actions. Also, as an added bonus with the new scripts, they will no longer create an alias to mrouter-control-pipe in the root directory of your hard-drive. If this file is already there and it is annoying you, and every time you try to click on it to drag it to the trash you get the spinning beach ball of death, do this: launch Terminal, type "cd /." without the quotes, enter, then type "ls" and make sure the mrouter-control-pipe shows up in the list of files displayed. To get rid of it type "rm mrouter-control-pipe" without the quotes and hit enter. Poof! It is gone. Word to the wise: Do not remove any of the other files that you are not familiar with in this directory.
Mobilized 3650 and a 12-inch...
Watching Movies on the 3650
Rare Saturday Post on Scripts...
12-inch Developer Notes
iCal and iSync support for 3650...
The new iCal will require iSync 1.2, and won't work with the older Version 1.1. iSync 1.2 will offer full support for Symbian-based phones like the Sony Ericcson P800 and the Nokia 3650, and will work with iCal's calendar.Hope this is true. I'd love to be able to consistently sync iCal with the 3650.
Scripts updated...
Kids using 3650s to post to a joint Moblog...
Tech-ed: Kids and collective phonecamblogs in school, in Paris
Jean-Luc, a BoingBoing ami from Paris, shares news of a fun educational experiment with young students in France:"Xeni, have you seen the collective moblog that children from 7 to 11 years old have created (with me) at the Plessis-Trevise city (closed to Paris) where I worked. The children have done a report of their (school's) sportive outdoor centre by moblogging themselves the pics during all the day (this wednesday) from 9.00 al to 5.00 pm. they have been equiped of Nokia 3650s and all the pics have been moblogged by the children and I have helped them to configure and use the phonecams. they had not any problem in term of usability to use the phonecams. it seems to be very natural for them and they have a great dexterity with using their thumbs. this was funny (imagine 3 phonecams in the hands of children that run in playing soccer for example, at the swimming pool, etc.) and they are gonna add some comments and legends to their pics in some days at the telecenter of the city and we will edit a written newspaper of all of this."URL of the collective moblog here, another snapshot of the kids here.
[Boing Boing Blog]
Using 3650 as a Portable Office
Scripts for Internet Sharing to your 3650 via Bluetooth
It's working again!!!
If you have connected this way to the 3650 since the last time it was restarted, you have to restart the phone.( Although, I am going to test to see if simply turning Bluetooth off and then back on on the phone will have the same effect.)UPDATE: no restart or resetting bluetooth necessary.- It will only work if you have the USB Bluetooth Modem Adapter activated as a port in your Network Settings on the 12-inch.
- It will only work if you have DNS servers listed in your network settings (even though this is optional for the 12-inch to work on the net).
- After running the compiled script that I will post later, or after going through the command line steps noted in the link below, you need to open the terminal and enter "sudo named" at least one extra time. I have no idea why this is, as I have "sudo named" written into the script, and even bothered to add it additional times at the end. Thanks, Terry, for the helpful email about this!UPDATE: This seems to only be necessary if you have restarted or put the computer to sleep since the last time you established a connection with the phone.
Neko for 3650
I jinxed it...
New 12-inch
Sharing 12-inch internet with 3650: Part 2
Here's a thread I've been following, the terminal commands towards the end from JRLove are what I'm using now that work.The thread looks interesting and promising, so I will delve into it a bit deeper and let everyone know what I come up with. Thanks, Jimbo!
Let me know how this works on your end if you get it going.
Using 12-inch as Internet Provider for 3650
Set Address Book to auto-connect to 3650
Using 3650 as a bluetooth modem for 12-inch...
The bad news is that the current version (1.10) does not have a solution for the Ctrl-Alt-Delete when using a PowerBook/reduced keyboard (at least none that we know of). The same is true of the right-mouse issue when you're using a single-button mouse [wish Apple would wake up and start shipping at least a 2-button mouse ... personally, I've used a 3-button mouse for years, with the middle button mapped to a left-button-double-click].Less than 3 hour response time. Not too shabby!The good news is that the next release (1.20) will have a solution to both these issues (and a little more). We'll have that release out near the end of September (perhaps even a week sooner than that). [I also just realized that I forgot to put the right-mouse-to-PC issue on the web site ... I'll fix that, today.]
iSync recovery...
Forever Sync...
iCal Syncing...
Just activated iCal synching using the tip on MacOSXHints.com. (Got the tip from your site, thanks!) Works fine. Yes, dates on repeating annual events don't work right, and I'm pretty sure leap years are at fault. The same thing happens on the PalmOS and has never been a problem for me.The question is: do I dare and do I dare? hmm... If I do I'll report the results. Here's the link to the Mac OS X How To, again. Update: So I went ahead and did it. Make sure you make backups of your Calendars and the preference file that you are hacking. It worked like a charm when I synced only the 3650. Then I put my .mac space back on line, synced all 3 together (.mac, 12-inch, and 3650) and it went through once with just a few little niggling conflicts, then asked to resync after I picked the 12-inch to be the rod by which the others were to be measured, and then it got about two thirds of the way through the process and hung. I forced iSync to quit, but the little iSync in the menu bar keeps spinning. As a result, every time I tried to restart iSync, it would immediately attempt to continue the sync I had forced to quit. SO now I am using Process Viewer to force the SyncSystem to quit. Re-opening iSync. Resyncing. Stuck at "Getting changes from 3650 (8K Downloaded)..."; there weren't any changes though. Hmm... More when I figure this out... 2ND UPDATE:Man am I glad I backed up everything. The good news is I now have all my calendars on my 3650. The bad news is I disabled the calendar syncing now and I haven't been able to sync nicely since I attempted the hack. Right now, I'm running a regular sync just between the computer and .mac. See if everything gets back to groovy. It is taking forever though. The first time through with the calendar syncing between the phone and the 12-inch worked fine, but once I put .mac into the mix it fotzed everything up. Dagnabbit! Anyway several force quits and a few restarts later and I'm in the process of trying to recover everything back to how it was before. iCal launches without any calendars and then loads them after a moment (if there is no syncing going on). I may have to reinstall iSync. It told me the sync database had become corrupted at one point. Moral of the story: backup backup backup. Other moral of the story: hack this at your own risk. I'm going to restore everything back to norm and then leave it be until Apple release an update to the software that enables it. DO IT APPLE! DO IT NOW!!!
I just had to force the 12-inch to reboot...
How to Set Up a Nokia 3650 as a Modem for the Mac
How to Set Up a Nokia 3650 as a Modem for the MacThanks, Nik!Bluetooth-only: Pair your devices so that they're always trusted between each device. This is probably already done if you have iSync set up.
Now go to your Network setup and add a new port. (Either USB Bluetooth modem or an IRDA port, depending on your setup.)
In that port's setup tabs, set up TCP/IP to configure via PPP.
In the IRDA/Bluetooth Modem tab set your modem as "Nokia Infrared" (regardless of whether it's a Bluetooth or IRDA connection); turn off error correction/compression; and turn off "Wait for dial tone before dialing."
In the PPP tab click on "PPP Options..." and set PPP Echo Packets OFF; TCP header compression ON; and terminal window OFF. The rest of the advanced options can be set however you wish, but unless you have unlimited internet/airtime, you may want to have a "prompt to maintain connection" and various auto-disconnect options set.
Now, in the basic PPP options, just set up a service provider and phone numbers as needed for your PPP connection. If you're using T-Mobile Internet (which I'm pretty happy with, at $20/mo; plus they have a nice proxy which resamples images before sending them to you so that you can browse faster), you want to leave your account name and password blank, as set the Telephone Number to "*99#" (without the quotes, naturally).
From here, you're done with your Mac if all you need is a Bluetooth connection. If you want an IR connection, then you'll want to activate IR and probably have it show up as a menu extra.
From here, we go to the phone...
If you're using GPRS internet (rather than just a PPP dial up through another ISP), do the following:
Go to Settings: Connections and set up an access point for GPRS internet. (If you're using T-Mobile, your AP name is "internet2.voicestream.com", it's a GPRS data bearer, and has no user name/password/etc...) You can name your AP whatever you want. In Settings: Connections: GPRS, set your Access Point to the same thing as your GPRS AP.
Now, to enable modem connections with your phone:
Go to "Bluetooth" (in the Connections folder, by default) and turn on Bluetooth; or go to Infrared (same place) and turn it on.
If you're using IR, you need to do a little song and dance each time you set it up as a modem: Line it up with the IR port on your computer while your computer's IR port is active, then go to Connections: Modem: Connect via Infrared. You'll see "connecting via IR". Now immediately attempt an IR modem connection via your Mac. It will attempt to connect, and then fail, but you WILL see an active IR connection on your phone (and the "connecting via IR" will persist indefinitely). This little trick forces your phone and computer to recognize one another.
Now, all you have to do is initiate a connection (or a new connection if you're going over IR) and everything should work fine.
Check out this rather detailed 3650 discussion...
This warping thing...
Must Haves for 3650
Nokia problem become Apple problem...
Veta Universal Update
Update Veta Universal today to version 1.0.1 and you canAfter installing, I find that I suddenly have two copies of Veta Universal on my 3650 with only the newest version showing up in the App. manager program (/Tools/App. Manager) on the phone. How do I uninstall the old one? UPDATE: Well, it seems that it overwrites the old one IF you install it in the same place. I tried to install it on my memory card instead of into the phone's internal memory (which is where v1.0 sits). Un-installing and reinstalling in the correct place fixed the problem. Also, Victor Kulesh, who makes VU, was very quick to reply to my panicked email about the VU doppleganger situation. Thanks, Victor.
Use number keys to select menu items 1-9.
Use the # key in the dialogs.
Look at the About box.
Why the 3650 over a Sony Ericsson?
- I like the retro circular keypad: I know this is a big wtf? for lots of people out there, but this little circular keypad is not only retro-cool, but it also makes more sense for text messaging. I never got into text messaging with my old cell simply because my big hammy fingers aren't good at hitting little keys that are all lined up in row on top of row. This makes more sense, and it's still familiar, in that I have used rotary phones before.
- The biggish size is good for me: I am a big guy and most cell phones feel like toys in my hands and up against my head. Feels like I have to move it between my ear and my mouth. This thing feels me-size.
- SymbianOS kicks ass.
- The 640x480 cam and videocam capabilities of this thing kick ass.
- The 3650 is the perfect balance between phone and pda: It has a memory expansion slot and more capabilities than any of the old Palms I used to own or my PocketPC, and it is a phone. At first I thought it was a little too much of a pda, but then I bothered to read the instruction manual that came with it and I was pleasantly surprised to find that it has all the cellphone features I've always needed and grown accustomed to (different profiles that are easily switched between, quiet modes, an alarm, fast and easy key lock and unlock, customizable ring tones, real-time adjustable volume for calls).
- I like Nokia: Good company. Not that SE isn't, but Nokia being just Nokia and not a part of Sony makes me feel like it's less a part of "the man."
- Although the 3650 lacks iCal sync, all the fields that are completed in Address Book sync flawlessly with the 3650 (even the person's picture icon), unlike the T610, which according to Jason is missing the ability to sync the actual address of the people in Address Book.
Needed things...
Ask and ye shall receive...
A few slight problems with Romeo...
How do you carry a 12-inch and a 3650?
The first pic is of my bag closed, and the next is of the bag open. ;-b
Now if I could just get one of those new 40GB iPods to replace my current 10GB iPod, I'd be totally and sleekly mobile...Welcome Mac Net Journalers!
Veta FTP
Get it...
If you cannot connect your 3650 via Bluetooth with your Mac...
Turn off the personal firewall setting in System Preferences:Now it works like a charm...
1. Choose Apple > System Preferences.
2. Choose View > Sharing.
3. Click the Firewall tab.
4. Click Stop to turn off the firewall.
Alternatively, configure the firewall settings in step 4 to open the port to the phone. Click New and enter these settings:
Port Name: Other
Port Number, Range or Series: 3004
Description: Bluetooth